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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Stop with this. We all know that he has to finish his PhD thesis in both quantum and particle physics first. He has some amazing things to add to our current understanding of string theory.
  2. Yeah, this was news about 20 years ago. Maybe 25.
  3. Time gets everyone, but Favre was quoted this week making an interesting point. When he retired (the second time), he could still make every NFL throw, but his body just couldn't take the hits anymore. I think that may end up being what gets Brady. His throwing ability isn't likely going away, but how much punishment can his body continue to take?
  4. Political convenience.
  5. The problem is that if no one wants to pick up the $34 million salary in the trade, the Deadskins just sunk ~25% of their salary cap after trading for Alex Smith.
  6. Feel free to dispute any of those points. With actual facts.
  7. The mass suicides would be tragic, were this to happen.
  8. That place is a shithole anyhow. That's why we need a Dyson Sphere to keep them out.
  9. Yeah, but the lawsuits get expensive doing that.
  10. After the days and days of sitting through the victim impact statements, he's going to try it when he can once he gets a few minutes alone at a home facility. I would not be at all surprised if he was under heavy observation (wherever they're holding him) while awaiting all these sentencings.
  11. While I'd love him to be alone in protective custody for a very long time slowly losing his mind, the coward is going to kill himself at the first opportunity.
  12. Finding Hillary a new dust cloth to wipe her private servers with.
  13. Boredom, mostly. It's fun to laugh at him when he goes full gatorman.
  14. That would be a shame. I'd love him to spend the next 50 years staring at the wall of his protective-custody cell. Minute after minute, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. His only relief from the solitude of his tiny cell being the small outdoor cage he's allowed to stand in for an hour a day. That and plenty of routine non-lethal beatings.
  15. Nonsense, to the extent that it's not Nazi/Racist breadcrumb growth, it was due to Obama's strong leadership.
  16. You do know that he only informed Congress, and it was members of Congress that announced it, right?
  17. Whoa, there. That's pretty insensitive to the man and his family. I mean he was so distraught after being mugged, with nothing taken, that he felt the need to take his own life by shooting himself in the back of the head several times.
  18. That's pretty insensitive and offensive to architects from other continents.
  19. I wonder if delaying the release until the 5th day is a ploy to get idiots like Schiff to expose/discredit themselves as increasing irrational and having something to hide.
  20. Oakland and Dallas already have QBs.
  21. So, the more these DACAs whine and cry, the less I will care if they're all mass-deported. https://www.yahoo.com/news/dreamers-turn-backs-trumps-immigration-policy-052819330.html Well, feel free to compromise with the immigration court at your deportation proceedings, then. I find this hysterical that he is not representing "Americans" because he isn't representing their "community". They. Are. Not. Americans. Try 7 years, pendejo.
  22. He had to take a stand at the urinal of democracy and let freedom's stream rain down until there was nary more than a trickle. I hope he washed his hands afterwards.
  23. Well, at least they finally got Nixon... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_v._United_States
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