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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Thus my guess...
  2. I'm guessing they made more profit off of buying our crude to process and resell than to refine and sell the lesser-quality crude they extract.
  3. It is rather funny how the feigned outrage over the lack of military service and draft deferments in presidents only started on January 20, 2018 at 12:01 pm.
  4. Here a picture of him you can frame: (Sorry 3rd, I couldn't resist...)
  5. Do you have any evidence that this planned parade will "piss off a majority of US citizens"?
  6. I think shithole countries like France and the rest of our NATO allies should be classified as 3rd world.
  7. I believe the Democrats find it under section 4(a)(2)(iii) of 24 U.S.C. screwyouthatswhy.
  8. First thing you do if you win big is contact a good tax attorney. Not one that advertises on billboards or is part of a large firm.
  9. It's great for Big Oil as well, since I have to buy 10% more fuel to offset the 10% decline in fuel economy because of the ethanol.
  10. Well, when you have the intellectual capacity of a poo-flinging monkey...
  11. Some of us actually have to do work during the day. It pleases me that you missed me so. You're still bad at this.
  12. Ok, so you're now denying that the FBI got a FISA warrant to listen in on Page and anyone he had contact with? You really are trying to take your title of 'full gatorman' away from Schiff, aren't you? What FISA warrant? According to Tibs, there was no such thing.
  13. The next team up on the clock being... the Buffalo Bills. They don't lose the time for the #22 selection because they did not make a pick during the 10 minutes given for the #21 slot.
  14. Using statistics for game situations isn't exactly new, and it's something every team does. Hell, Marv Levy had binder after binder after binder of statistical information on opposing offenses and defenses when he was coaching in the 80's and 90's. Any coach worth a crap knows that his opponent runs a certain defense x% of the time in a given situation. The OP is trying to confuse analyses of opponent tendencies and Moneyball-type analytics.
  15. I liked how Trump lied about the FBI under Obama wiretapping his campaign and transition! Oh wait, they were.
  16. You mean what you think people who were charged with lying testified to? You're really bad at this.
  17. I'm still waiting to see how many Bothans died to bring Mon Mothma the information on the second Death Star. We need this movie! I will be severely disappointed unless the number of dead Bothans approaches Rambo killing the entire Burmese Army.
  18. Bizarre for this president? Well, Tom just summed it up best: When 'going full Schiff' replaces 'going full gatorman' as an alternative way to use the phrase 'going full retard', that should tell you something about how the Democrats are burning down. It also is a direct challenge to you to up your game.
  19. Keep playing that fiddle while the Democrats burn down.
  20. Well ain't that some ****...
  21. It's a bit technical in reading, but it's good stuff. Revolutionary, even.
  22. When he can't remember where the afterparty is.
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