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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Security of the state is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists - so that the people can fight back if the government becomes tyrannical. It's the only real check that citizens have on a totalitarian state.
  2. I'm sure the common law system we use in the majority of states will soon be called racist, since it was adopted from England as well. What the !@#$ are you babbling on about now? Did Sessions become the head of DHS when I wasn't looking?
  3. Just like it is to pretend that the comment was some form of racist 'code'.
  4. Pray tell, where did the word come from? (Here's a hint, the place it came from is actually named for the Germanic tribe known as the Angles.) If a black Sheriff is offended by being reminded that the origin of his title came from England, he should be ashamed of himself.
  5. It's only racist to one who is a moron who has no understanding of the history of where the word 'Sheriff' came from. Now, now. Sessions is a Republican who used the term 'anglo' during black history month. I agree with LA, this is the most racist thing to happen since the coin flip.
  6. C'mon man, you know that the lefties around here want indisputable proof, backed by a signed affidavit from God (notarized by Jesus Christ), before they'll even begin to find new ways to dismiss anything that doesn't fit the approved talking points.
  7. In addition to forgiving my student loans, the government should forgive my car loan and my mortgage, take care of my car insurance, give me free gas and have my free groceries delivered to me, at no cost. They should also provide me with a free prostitute, so I do not have to worry about paying for one. You see, if i do not have to worry about those obligations, I could spend more money, thus creating more economic growth!
  8. The Senator should understand that there are professions outside of 'corrupt politician'.
  9. Way to miss the point, guys.
  10. People need to pay their fair share for use of sunlight. Maybe a tax on millionaires and billionaires using solar-powered private jets is in order.
  11. It's cute that you think any of this particular theater is going to matter.
  12. They still do that every August as part of the annual Civil War Days festivities.
  13. I hope they at least let him study first.
  14. Had to fix it. That will work for the morons on the left just about as much as trying to blame the shutdown on Trump. I say they should go for it!
  15. It is unclear what kind of ice cream, other than it's a kind that is sold in RUSSIAN stores. Possibly the most racist kind of all... vanilla.
  16. Actually yes. Trump once admitted to liking Russian dressing, thereby proving indisputably that he colluded with Russia to hack the election by using Facebook to reach a limited audience of idiots. On top of that, the man had TWO scoops of ice cream. If there isn't a more slam-dunk case for impeachment, I don't know what it could be.
  17. Going to need some dramatic music rolling for Harvey now: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lapd-sends-three-harvey-weinstein-cases-district-attorney-194202878.html
  18. Eh, they kinda had to after the Japs declared war on the USSR following the German invasion of the Soviet Union (which was the real act of going full gatorman, without putting England away first).
  19. Nor do I. I just love pointing out the left's fake outrage over a lack of military service that somehow magically wasn't present during 1993-2001 and 2009-2017.
  20. Well hell, it worked on Madden after I turned off the computer's ability to block the trade!
  21. But it was ok that Clinton dodged the draft with a deferral.
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