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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Corrupt cowards running New Jersey? I'm shocked, I tells ya, shocked! You'd think that the Garbage State would have a higher class of characters running the show. On a more serious note, that's a really crappy thing to do to the lady.
  2. If you start a rational discussion and back up your positions with facts (or at least factual something to ponder), then you'll get a rational conversation. Posting stupidity, then refusing to engage the posters who actually try to discuss the matter with anything approaching a rational thought does not work. That's neither a secret, nor an inside joke. The problem is that newbies come here, act like asshats, post a bunch of stupid nonsense with nothing to back up the assertions, then seem shocked that they're treated like asshats and that their nonsense is dismissed out of hand.
  3. Pre-op or post-op?
  4. Weird, though, I seem to remember the press acting like everyone loved Obama in early 2010. That poll is clear evidence of Russian collusion. It's also racist, hates women, and beats puppies to death with sacks of kittens.
  5. Two or three times...
  6. Hobbs. 2nd movie Vaughn, mojo or not, wasn't as good as 1st movie Vaughn.
  7. Vaughn from the first movie or the second movie?
  8. They're no FBI Police...
  9. It's truly amazing that the people/entities who pay the most in taxes reap the most benefit from a tax cut. No one would have ever guessed that simple arithmetic would rule the day.
  10. You would make a piss poor social justice warrior with that attitude!
  11. Clear evidence of collusion... Oh wait, I see a guy who !@#$ed around trying to hide his income and fraudulently receive loans, rather than hiding the source of the income and paying his !@#$ing taxes.
  12. They do, but only when their focus groups and pollsters say they should take a stand.
  13. Not acceptable. The reference was to pure evil from a SJW perspective. Goddess-Queen Hillary is not pure evil, she is the victim of the misogynistic, racist, bigoted, hateful patriarchy that just exists to keep the poor liberal woman down.
  14. A pork chop? Surely not. Bacon? That's an entirely different story.
  15. This is exactly right. The Constitution in general, and the Bill of Rights in particular, are not granting anyone rights; the document (and amendments) were written specifically and intentionally to limit governmental power, and prevent those 'inalienable rights' from being taken away. The whole !@#$ing point of the document is to prevent a totalitarian/tyrannical/oppressive state. To assume that the government has the power to grant rights necessarily assumes that the government has the power to take them away (which renders said rights meaningless). The Bill of Rights is not meaningless.
  16. If any single image better perfectly captures pure evil, I don't want to see it.
  17. Did you think the book '50 Shades of Boyst' was a coincidence?
  18. I made the trains run on time... over some Jews.
  19. No, please elaborate. Provide examples.
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