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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Williamsville has a *****ton of money living there.
  2. I'm sure your mom tells you that you're cool as well as handsome...
  3. The only ones I have on ignore are those who went out of their way to be useless or offensive for a significant amount of time. It's like 2 people across 5 or so accounts. I don't easily ignore people here. They put in the work, dedication, and effort to make it.
  4. Just rub some ointment on it, and walk it off. You'll be fine.
  5. Certainly not, fatty!
  6. Tibs? Really? Hey, wasn't LA Grant the guy pushing the hilarious 9/11 jewish bee dance hypersonic missile conspiracy, so that DC Tom could profit from his defense stock portfolio?
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Bill
  8. C'mon man, did you actually expect anything other than a bald-faced lie from Kemp?
  9. Yummy looking white privilege.
  10. You're right. Biden should be charged, perp-walked, prosecuted, and have the "flimsy and circumstantial" evidence tested at trial in front of a jury.
  11. As near as I can figure, DR apparently started some thread attacking Gary. The mods, who have apparently forgotten their declarations of not moderating PPP, moderated PPP and banned him for a month based on whatever happened in that thread. That or aliens.
  12. https://altonbrown.com/beef-wellington/
  13. DRLM!
  14. But, but, he's up by 68% in swing states over Trump, and had all of 4 people attend his last rally!!111
  15. C'mon man, you should put more faith in polls that intentionally under represent Republicans and ignore whether or not the people being polled are likely to actually vote!
  16. Well, it's certainly important for hospital relief to ban people from buying seeds or paint, to require that only white people wear masks, and send the police to take care of people being alone on a beach. Hell, let's not forget how important it is to conserve hospital beds by allowing mass protests, rioting, and rampant vandalism. Thank God acts of commerce were strictly banned. At this point, you're still an idiot. Oh, and you should also be denied service for being in favor of people being denied service. I'm officially offended by your hurtful comment, so you should likewise be terminated from your job, and never allowed to work again.
  17. What part of the DC Circuit Court's order is so hard to understand? Especially by a retired judge. Whether it takes effect today or 21 days from today isn't really relevant. The order appointing him is vacated.
  18. Then after you perform the regional calculation, you institute arbitrary, ridiculous, and nonsensical rules in the name of 'science'.
  19. Good luck enforcing it, *****o.
  20. Ohhh, I can't wait for the Flying Ninja Cobra Swarm.
  21. Getting it 'wrong' implies that they made any effort to get it right (or even cared about getting it right.)
  22. That was neat. Thanks for posting.
  23. Would it have made you feel better if they burned a few buildings, or tore down some statues? Is that what makes people immune to the virus? You'll have to help me out here. I'm not sure what the disingenuous leftist criteria are for what mass gatherings provide immunity from the virus.
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