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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Mere breadcrumbs.
  2. How do you force the states to use them?
  3. They should station FBI Police around the perimeter as well.
  4. Ok, so your proposal is to amend the constitution?
  5. Great, how do you propose he shores up all 50 voting systems? The individual States control their voting systems. You do remember that we live in a federal republic with dual sovereigns, right?
  6. Yeah, Obama telling his agencies to stand down was really doing "more". So what's your plan of how Trump is supposed to do something?
  7. Why should Trump do any more than Obama to stop them? Actually, what do you really propose that Trump do about it? Declare martial law and take over all 50 state governments? Repeal the 1st Amendment to prevent anyone from spending money to influence elections? Nuclear strike?
  8. Yes, clearly the only reason that Democrats will lose is because elections are "hacked". It certainly cannot be the result of bad candidates espousing nonsense with no real platform other than stupid social media hashtags such as #RESIST.
  9. The part where you shut shut the !@#$ up, stop being a Nazi, and accept the baseless accusation as a proven fact.
  10. The tumor was certainly replaced by the lawfully elected president.
  11. On the bright side, the tumor was excised on January 20, 2017 at about noon EST.
  12. I'm sure Trump likes to put Russian dressing on his kimchi , before having TWO scoops of borscht-flavored ice cream. Therefore, he's a colluding traitor who needs to be impeached for mental health reasons.
  13. Let me be clear: Those white devils should sacrifice their lives, property, and liberty to the righteousness of mob rule. It's the right thing to do.
  14. Clearly it was a clandestine pipeline for Trump to get more Russian dressing in exchange for Russia hacking elections. #IMPEACH
  15. Two problems with the public advocate approach: 1.) The FISC Judge will most likely ignore them - they've already shown to be nothing more than rubber stamps; and 2.) It is hard to advocate for someone when you're not going to be allowed to talk to them.
  16. What kind of bread?
  17. I believe it legally changed its name from Bradley to Chelsea. How dare you not do enough to recognize and be sympathetic to its choice to change its name to suit its new chosen gender!
  19. A lack of responsible financial planning is not an economy problem. It's a stupidity problem. These 33%/9% numbers are without context, and are meaningless. As for the top 1% of earners making 20% of the income today, so what? What does that have to do with anything? The top 1% of earners also pay the biggest tax rate. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/10/06/a-closer-look-at-who-does-and-doesnt-pay-u-s-income-tax/ 4.5% of tax payers pay almost 59% of income taxes. To say the 'rich' aren't paying their fair share, and that the 'middle class' will somehow be burdened by an across-the-board tax cut is a bunch of DNC talking point bullSchiff. Let me sum up: Alright, fine. Since I did post the pew research article, I will fact check the 9% number. It's bullSchiff.
  20. Nit picking, nit. Knit picking would probably involve socks or a scarf. What major point? That the people/entities who pay the most taxes receive the most benefit from a tax cut? No Schiff, that's basic math. It's about as intelligent a point as saying that the infamous '47%' of people who don't pay taxes received no benefit from the tax cut. The unfounded point that corporations pay 9% tax (when the tax rate was 35%)? I'm not interested in fact checking his numbers; pointing out the complete lack of context with the 9% number, assuming that's even a real thing; nor pointing out that any corporation who doesn't use legal tax loopholes are staffed by morons.
  21. If you're paying more than $10,000 in state taxes, you're doing pretty well in life. What happened to 'pay your fair share'? Or does that only apply to 'millionaires and billionaires' who have private jets? By the way, I notice you forgot to mention that the standard deduction was also doubled, which more than offsets any loss from the SALT reduction for most everyone. The Democrat talking points you are spouting have been pretty well debunked as outright lies. Stop perpetrating their lines of Schiff and look at the facts yourself.
  22. Which part of the middle class? I'm only asking because the vast majority of the middle class also got a tax cut. Those whose fell into the hole left when the tax brackets were reduced make a ton of money to begin with. Hell, there isn't really any agreement on what is 'middle class'. This 'burden on the middle class' talking point is (and always has been) a bunch of bullSchiff. The same Warren Buffett who uses every tax loophole to reduce his tax burdens...
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