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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'd say yes, relatively speaking. Tyrod does have a winning record as QB (by one game), and did string together some good games here and there. However, he isn't anything more than a .500 QB, and never will be. I call it a success because even a .500 QB is better than the crap we've seen for most of the lost 17 years. The playoff appearance was more a fluke and luck than anything Tyrod did. The playoff game was really the epitome of a Tyrod game: He protected the ball and didn't do enough to win the game on his own.
  2. tl;dr
  3. Not surprising. This is the same broad who is widely documented to have used her supposed Indian heritage to her advantage, and now claims she never intentionally used it or benefited from claiming she was a minority. By the way, the dipSchiff actually published a heavily plagiarized cook book of 'Native American' recipes. Lieawatha/Fauxcihantas really is the definition of 'libtard'. I would love to see her run in 2020, Trump will chew her up and no one (outside her base) will believe her claiming poor innocent victim status from the evil Donald's attacks.
  4. Nothing really shocking here. NK has wanted a formal peace treaty and normalized relations with the US for decades - they want to be seen as equals in the eyes of the world. Their nuclear/missile programs have always been about getting the US to negotiate peace directly with their regime.
  5. I'd do some biblical things to her.
  6. On the way home from work, I listen to the SiriusXM channel POTUS. They have a show called 'The Press Pool' on in the afternoon. Largely it's not a bad show, but on Fridays they do a reporter's roundtable around 5pm. It is absolutely amazing how arrogant and entitled those reporters are. When the press cries about Trump's criticism of their bullSchiff is an attack on the 1st Amendment freedom of the press, they actually believe it. Those morons think they're infallible and above reproach, because they're the 4th estate. Journalists have died, so they're all goddamned heroes - how dare anyone question them!
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if her sights are set on 2024. Gives her time to build up her liberal credentials, and it's easier to run with no incumbent.
  8. Assault muskets with high-capacity ammo pouches?!?! THE HORROR!
  9. That and running on a platform of raising taxes, to go along with their platform of favoring illegal immigrants over actual citizens.
  10. ESPN just announced it was awarding a Courage Award for this thread.
  11. I never thought it was possible. They've actually found something beyond full retard. This is some type of quantum retardation.
  12. You're right. He should adopt a policy of strategic patience in order to allow Kim to perfect his nuclear arsenal. He spoke to a communist leader!!!!!11 COLLUSION!
  13. That the chain behind him is broken. I'm quite sure the maintenance people and their extended families have subsequently been 'reeducated' for making SuperAwesome Leader look bad.
  14. I say she starts with draining the DNC coffers for the reparations. You know, since they're the political party of slavery and the KKK.
  15. Well, between the economic numbers, the destruction of ISIS, and the olive branch being floated by Best Korea, I can't imagine why we didn't elect Obama to be President for life.
  16. You do know that there are major differences between a democracy and a republic, right?
  17. I actually can. My failing is not being able to write and talk at the same time.
  18. His hands are too small.
  19. Ok, how do you integrate those federal cyber security proposals into 50 different voting systems without changing state laws or amending the Constitution? As for the answer to your question, look up one post, dumbass.
  20. Ah hell, missed the addition. A democratic government is a terrible idea for any population bigger than the size of ancient Athens. Thankfully, we live in a federal republic whose election systems are largely based upon single member district plurality.
  21. Ok, then: What's your proposal for Trump to do something to prevent Russian "hacking"?
  22. You quote amendments to the constitution as your justification that the federal government can change state voting laws, then claim that I can't read when I ask you if your plan for Trump to do something is for him to amend the constitution? Never stop gatoring, buddy. Never stop.
  23. I'm pretty sure Chuck Da'Norris cut the Titans, before counting to infinity a third time.
  24. Are you gay? Only if you want to go swap spit in the shower. Is your mom a prostitute? Well, she certainly made dad pay!
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