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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. He also !@#$ed a playboy playmate of the year.
  2. Well, you knew it was only a matter of time before he had another "hold my beer" moment to assert his supremacy over the dipSchiffs who lately have been trying to take his title.
  3. Remind us all, which "side" of this debate invented a NAMBLA strawman, then proceeded (and continues) to accuse the other "side" of supporting that organization when they disagree with you? Perhaps you should try to be honest, if you're looking for an "honest debate".
  4. Come now, you know that this is simply a delayed reaction of Obama's benevolent wonderful economic policies. Sure, we had to have 8 'summers of recovery', but the reforms finally took hold and are making things great, 1 year, 2 months and 9 days since he left office. Obama's policies were so fantastic, they even let the market bounce back after we have occasional days of Trump-slumps in the market.
  5. So for teef... $1,000.
  6. Because the man is Trump's personal physician, and in no way affiliated with a very long military career. He's apparently an admiral like Admiral Chelsea and "The Admiral" David Robinson.
  7. Hell yeah. What, counseling for the staff and kids that weren't getting pics or having sexy time with her?
  8. Eh, after a few drinks. The money thing is irrelevant. $1,000 Canuckian is like $62 in US dollars.
  9. So... this is all Kevin Bacon's doing? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Degrees_of_Kevin_Bacon
  10. C'mon man, it's not like the porn industry is bursting with performers who have significant substance abuse problems. They're pure as the driven snow, innocent as baby Jesus, and are more honest than George Washington... Well, so long as they're creating distractions against a Republican.
  11. Blasphemy, good sir. A proper bartender never allows his Russians to become black. To do so is unseemly.
  12. Segregation FOREVAH!
  13. He most certainly was not a better president. A better man than Trump? That doesn't take much.
  14. As many frivolous suits as liberal douchebags are willing file.
  15. The sad fact is that, as rape laws are currently being construed (at least in NY), a woman saying that I only agreed to sex/didn't say no/didn't resist/etc. because I was scared that he had power over me/he was bigger than me/he looked mean/etc., is considered non-consensual and forcible. !@#$ing bullschiff that's being used to make virtually any sexual encounter a potential forcible rape (even retroactively).
  16. It's not really approved Starfleet uniform pants, but sure. Just remember to wear your comm badge.
  17. What if you have Russian dressing on your salad, drinking White Russians and Moscow Mules, while on that date at The Russian Tea Room?
  18. Did you properly display the bodies for all to see as a warning?
  19. Well, considering he really didn't do anything worth a schiff as president, there's not much to pin on that useless peanut farmer.
  20. Cap a few mother!@#$ers to make sure they understand you're not screwing around?
  21. Yeah, her 7 year old daughter is clearly a product of the affair 12 years ago. !@#$ing nitwit.
  22. They're scary when they're packing military-style assault weapons.
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