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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It really baffles me why people want to yell, scream, argue, and carry on like jackasses with the cops. You know, because making a fool of yourself and pissing everyone off is going to convince the officer not to give you tickets/arrest you. Ask for a lawyer, say nothing else, and let them do what they're going to do. Handle the rest later. It's not hard.
  2. That's not even the worst part. The man... he... well... HE HAD TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM! I think I need my safe space and teddy bear now.
  3. If having no clue what you're whining about doesn't get you what you want, you can always change the definition: http://thefederalist.com/2018/03/31/merriam-webster-online-dictionary-changes-definition-assault-rifle-parkland-shooting/ This is coming close to the NY definition of an 'assault weapon': anything that looks scary.
  4. Only while watching Rosanne. Heat vision.
  5. Only when on the toilet. Invulnerability.
  6. So how high of a draft pick do you want to use to see if it hinders his performance? How, exactly, is being upset about draft position or "bulletin board material" (which is pretty weak to begin with) even in the same category as keeping an enemy list? There are reasons that NFL teams talk to every person who ever ran across prospects. Immaturity and foolishness are some of those reasons.
  7. This is an order of magnitude above Thurman being pissed at other teams that he went in the 2nd round. Thurman wasn't keeping a hit list of media morons crossing some imaginary line.
  8. Trading from 4 to 2 would be monumentally stupid - like 2017 Chicago Bears stupid. If the Giants are taking Barkley/Chubb at 2, they're not going to trade. If the Giants don't take Barkley/Chubb at 2, one or the other will still be there at 4. The Jests are taking the wrong QB at 3. There is no universe where trading to 2 makes any sense for the Browns, short of irrationally panicking that the Giants are going to trade out of 2 to a team that wants whatever player they're targeting (which, again, would be monumentally stupid, as no one is likely going to trade from 5+ up to 2 for Barkley or Chubb.) Even assuming that someone leaped into 2 and picked one, the Browns still get either the best RB or the best pass rusher at 4, without wasting picks to move up.
  9. Russian bluster is second only to North Best Korean bluster in comedy value.
  10. I stopped giving a schiff about his posts when he invented the narrative that those who disagreed with him supported NAMBLA, the repeatedly railed against the position that those who disagree support child molesters. He's a disingenuous lying piece of crap who sabotages whatever coherent point he may have been trying to make with his idiotic diatribes.
  11. Funny how you didn't address the "fair criticism" that you intentionally misrepresented what he actually said, you dishonest douchebag.
  12. The one on the right looks mighty pissed. She's going to have to explain why she didn't come up with the $25 she could have made that night.
  13. Eh, my response to Boss Hogg would be to ask him why he touches himself at night,.
  14. What the !@#$ does he have against pigs and dogs? Bacon is the nectar of the Gods. Don't forget, if you disagree with him you support NAMBLA. The child-molesty one, not the Marlon Brando one.
  15. If Jews can self-hate, I have full confidence that Boyst can self-fear. Or something. I'm drunk.
  16. Exactly. This is PPP, not some !@#$ing piece of schiff football forum dedicated to our love of a fourth-rate third-rate second rate ship-of-the-line team.
  17. Looks like a trigger to me.
  18. The fries are extra. That's how they get you.
  19. I guess he couldn't let Tibs' "hold my beer" post from yesterday go unchallenged.
  20. Too bad he forgot to bring ammo and batteries.
  21. Signing one player is not buying a "team".
  22. I highly doubt that Goff's potential future contract is really a consideration. They're trying to get the LA market behind them. Nothing gets fans in the stands faster (and buying PSLs for the new stadium) than being a winner. When was the last time buying a team worked in the NFL?
  23. Minimum of 3 wardrobe changes or GTFO.
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