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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Kavanaugh must be thinking, 'Great, only 3 more dead bodies until I can finally sit for one of these ***** photos!' Looks like the tweet is gone. What did it say?
  2. I was too busy going home to ***** the prom queen.
  3. Well, so long as he doesn't start complaining about moose and squirrel.
  4. I think that they are Constitutionally required to have some sort of quick return on a trial, even if they halfass it. Both sides of the aisle were pretty clear, during the last impeachment joke, that the Senate had a Constitutional duty to set aside everything else to conduct some sort of trial. Of course, there is no set procedure for how they conduct that trial, but I don't believe tabling it is an option. They can do an immediate vote to dismiss the allegations, but they still have to do something.
  5. Easy. They call ahead to schedule an appointment.
  6. 2020? I'll take a Trump victory. February, 2021? Bills all the way, baby.
  7. Why? That's easy. Services rendered:
  8. They do... right up to the point where it becomes inconvenient for them. Then suddenly...
  9. Oh don't worry, they hated it in 2000 as well.
  10. Praise be Obama!
  11. In a Biden administration? Probably not. In a Harris administration? Well, let's just say that Dick's Sporting Goods will soon be out of kneepads.
  12. Oh, that explains his multiple failed presidential runs...
  13. So the narrative is now that the ***** Post Office was going to take the lead in protecting people before Orange Man Bad? Seriously? That's where you morons are at?
  14. Holy hell, here is the profile for the NJGov account: Oh, and: Whoever runs this account is my new hero.
  15. What, you mean DeBlasio didn't dispatch 3 shifts of 7 NYPD officers and a sergeant to guard the mural?!?
  16. Yeah, I'll take the ricin, please.
  17. Yes, but it's the GOP's fault for not compromising by kowtowing to whatever Nasty Nancy decides to send them from the House.
  18. Hmm, Mittens must either be getting some good pork in the next spending bill, or McConnell told him he wasn't getting anything for the rest of his term.
  19. Woohoo, free breadsticks!
  20. Well, schiff... Hope someone was around to pick up any awards for them.
  21. Easy there, word has it that he was a bad dude.
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