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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The CIA is not supposed to conduct domestic operations. Clearly he was being cockblocked by the NSA.
  2. I can see where he gets his confusion from the skin tone of the Hillary plant pic I posted. He's still a dipschiff, but I can appreciate his confusion.
  3. Here's a Hillary plant:
  4. Apparently either Bill Clinton, as part of the vast conspiracy to have Trump throw the election, or Putin... Depends on the thread. Nah, she'll still be a senile dipschiff.
  5. No, the facts are that he hired a Hillary plant, not a Putin stooge.
  6. Facebook had no problems with data sharing for Obama in 2008 and 2012. It's not a coincidence that Zucker!@#$'s first statements jumps from talking about 2007 to talking about 2013.
  7. Only part of a conspiracy story if you refuse to accept that Hillary's attack machine are the ones who invented the 'collusion' narrative to explain why the 'most qualified candidate ever' lost to a candied yam. He has done business deals all over the world. Are we to accept that the Scottish conspired to throw the 2016 election because of his business dealings there?
  8. RR's memo was heavily redacted, so to say that Trump was not part of it is unclear. However, I suspect that any authority, in regards to Trump, is limited to the collusion narrative and any associated campaign/election issues. He was clearly never given carte blanche to look at Trump's entire life/business empire, which makes sense as that was never the reason for having a special prosecutor. I agree with you, that the primary focus is not Trump (if it ever was.)
  9. He has always been a subject of the investigation, that's not news. It is noteworthy that he's still a subject (and not a target) over a year later. Of course the 'collusion' narrative was always bullschiff that Clinton's attack machine manufactured, but it's interesting that Mueller has found nothing else in the year plus of investigating.
  10. Praise be Obama!
  11. They do! So long as they get to approve who participates in the market.
  12. Of course the liberal response is: What difference, at this point, does it make? They seem to forget that the KKK is the militant wing of the Democratic party. Though I do love the argument that D's and R's switched sides in the 60's, so therefore the KKK and all Democrat racists are actually Republicans.
  13. That's just what Big Pharma wants you to believe. Pot cures all diseases, makes you more virile, better looking, wealthy beyond the dreams of Avarice, and gets you high, man. It's like having TWO scoops of ice cream after supper... every night!
  14. Not with those evil eyes. That B word's look is terrifying.
  15. Eh, what's life without a little stabby risk? I'd do her.
  16. Not just playing his stereo too loud, he was playing RUSSIAN music too loud! While eating an ice cream cone containing TWO scoops.
  17. Coming soon... 700 years ago!
  18. By the Clintons, no less! This was all part of the plot to get Hillary elected by defeating Trump!
  19. There is. It's global warming climate change aliens.
  20. Holy schiff! That is huge news.
  21. So... have you come up with an original thought yet? I mean, failing at using other people's weak insults is cute and all, but it's time to graduate from the high chair to the kid's table.
  22. I get that argument, and whether someone wants to act like an ass because they don't trust the system isn't going to make problems go away. Unfortunately, all they wind up accomplishing is making things very much worse for themselves by being resistant. I have seen minor traffic violations turn into felony charges because someone wanted to be a jackass. It's just not worth it. Take your !@#$ing ticket and go on with life. Fight it later in the appropriate forum (which is not by the side of the road or in the police station.)
  23. Looks like McKinley is going down before FDR... https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-native-american-statue-removal-20180401-story.html
  24. Makes sense. The agents are there to protect her from outside threats, not to be mommy or daddy.
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