Exactly. The NFL is oversaturating their own market. Keep Thursday football confined to Thanksgiving and a few other special late-season games.
Every team getting a participation trophy with crap uniforms only leads to a lot of bad games.
Well, while the sniping is fun and all, back to the topic at hand (from the NY Law Journal):
https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2018/04/10/seizure-of-cohen-records-akin-to-salem-witch-trials-mccarthyism/?kw=Seizure of Cohen Records Akin to Salem Witch Trials%2C McCarthyism&et=editorial&bu=New York Law Journal&cn=20180410&src=EMC-Email&pt=Daily News
When you can't attack (or even argue) the message, attack the messenger. That's been the left's motto since the Clinton attack machine gained the national spotlight.
I love the idiots who come here claiming to be "independents", yet every post they make spouts DNC talking points.
Ah crap, you've just summoned @Deranged Rhino...
It is fun to watch the libtards cream their pants over this. Almost as much fun as their next scheduled 'scream helplessly at the sky' day will be when this turns out to be nothing.
Hard to justify, to the audience, stripping Lesnar of the title based on that. Sounds like there's just a short-term deal in place anyhow for Lesnar to drop the title to someone else (Lashley?)
That may not have been planned. There apparently was a confrontation backstage between Vince and Lesnar.