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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It was not phony. He was from Buffalo. Step back away from the line.
  2. Be fair. They'll seize your house, evict you, sell it at auction, and suspend your driving privileges before tossing you in jail.
  3. You're crossing a line there, bucko.
  4. Good. Hopefully the left will eventually figure out that people aren't interested in giving up the Bill of Rights.
  5. I'll respond to this later, after I've screamed helplessly at the sky.
  6. Yeah, they acted on 'incomplete information', which would consisting of a 20% bump in her ratings.
  7. I support the US Constitution. Too bad you guys can't handle that the 'most qualified candidate ever' lost to a candied yam.
  8. Trump has a right to act like a jackass, same as that spineless weasel Comey.
  9. Danica Patrick needs to introduce him to her yoga routine.
  10. Apparently Comey is only for the 1st Amendment when it comes to lining his pocket book. Higher Loyalty, indeed.
  11. Cap Capi cut? What the !@#$?!? Fire these !@#$wads Beane and McDermott now! They just pissed away the season. The tank is on. !@#$ the Bills! Pegula should be forced to sell the team!
  12. Multiply that by the next 3 years or so, and you *might* get somewhere near a price that GB would begin to think about considering.
  13. Eh, after a few of those beers she was charged with passing around.
  14. I suspect this is the case, barring the Bills backing up the Brinks truck to his front door. I think he really wants to go to an NFC East team, so he can shove it up Jerry's ass twice a year.
  15. https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2018/4/16/17245066/lana-rusev-bury-undertaker-saudi-arabia-wwe-greatest-royal-rumble This is so far beyond wacky, I really don't have the first clue what the !@#$ kind of social media storyline they're trying to create. The only thing I've really gotten out of this mess is that apparently Lana and Michelle McCool control booking. Well that and Jericho is concentrated awesome who can promote the hell out of anything (ok, I already knew that - I just wanted to point out that Jericho is the ****.) https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2018/4/15/17239974/chris-jericho-calling-himself-king-of-the-casket-match-undertaker-wwe-greatest-royal-rumble
  16. Well, another liberal goes full gator... I don't suppose any of the fine folks at CNN apprised the good Congresscritter that there's a difference between commentators and journalists?
  17. Well, at least we can all be secure in the knowledge that the DOJ will soon be leaking Hannity's information to the NY Times. That will put to bed any disputes over what issues he sought legal assistance with.
  18. What the !@#$? Holy crap, this is even more absurd than their delusion about the Electoral College going rogue.
  19. You want answers? You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
  20. Has anyone ever bothered to ask Boss Hogg how well it worked out for him to rely on the government to protect him and the 17 dead students?
  21. Normally I reserve this for gator, but you've earned it.
  22. One of his first roles.
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