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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Wait until he finds out about sponge candy and Loganberry.
  2. So, after resigning she made a statement: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/26/nyregion/port-authority-censure-turner.html I love how this raging B word issues a half-hearted minimizing apology for her behavior, then blames the officers and their department for allowing her to act like a jackass. Well, at least there's an explanation:
  3. Those officers did a fantastic job not taking the bait and escalating the situation with that B word.
  4. Would be a fun appeal to write, all kinds of interesting issues. Cosby will ultimately get what he deserves.
  5. Talk about being uncaring to people just trying to make a living short-selling stocks, being pimps , and iron mongers. You insensitive !@#$.
  6. I was more referring to playoff games, like the Wildcard round. You have the potential for a west coast team having to be 8 hours out-of-whack after finishing a 16 game season. It would be a tremendous competitive disadvantage for a team like the 49ers or Chargers to have to prepare for the game, do the travel, then play with little notice or time to adjust to an additional 5 hour difference (over and above the 3 hour difference between West and East coast games.)
  7. That was almost enough to derail Teddy Kennedy, and we all know that the GOP requires a far less burden of proof than a Democrat to be convicted.
  8. Horse issues aside, do you really want to trust medical care of our nation's verterans to a guy who gave some chick cancer?
  9. Some day, he'll track down that damnable white wail and take his bloody revenge!
  10. Is he wailing or whaling?
  11. They would have to do something like having a base in the US during extended road game slogs, and make their schedule such that they're doing 4 or more home games at a stretch, with the visiting teams either coming off or entering their bye week. It would be a logistical nightmare. Imaging being a west coast team traveling ~6,000 miles and 8 time zones without sufficient time to adjust to playing on London time (especially if a London team were hosting a playoff game.) That's not including how to time the start of game so that it's not so early that no one in the US will watch, and not so late that the English crowds won't attend.
  12. What a load of horsecrap. There is no reason to believe that the Colts wanted to trade directly from #3 to #12. It actually takes two teams to make a deal, not one team and a few whiners.
  13. You do know that the OP is trolling, right? I offer my sincerest apologies. I will retreat to my safe space, put on my onesie, sip some hot lukewarm chocolate, cuddle with my comfort teddy bear, draw in my microaggression coloring book and ponder the depth of my misdeeds.
  14. Every time I hear the term 'gridiron', I think of all the poor construction, railroad, and steel workers who lost their lives dealing with actual iron. It's sad and disrespectful to those heroes of industry. 'Pigskin' is offensive to the PETA crowd. I'm personally offended when stadiums overcharge for crap beer.
  15. So it's confirmed that the Bills are getting #1 from Cleveland and #19 from Dallas, while only giving up a bag of used footballs and a signed Rob Ray jersey?!?
  16. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming Dragon Energy mixed with Tiger Blood. It's not safe to do so while Winning at being Great Again.
  17. Did you finally get that surgery to convert back from being an Asian male?
  18. Last I checked, the coal industry was not owned by the government.
  19. It's a sad tale, but I would totally bang the side-piece (pre-gunshot wound to the head).
  20. $5 million per year? You cheapskate! Everyone deserves at least $10 million per year, with a 12 hour work week and full benefits (including 51 weeks of paid vacation per year).
  21. A mere 700 pounds?? Do you even lift, brah?
  22. It would be nice to have a guy who has that burning obsessive desire to be the best. That's what guys like Brady, Peyton Manning , and Jerry Rice all have in common: they would put in whatever effort is necessary to be the man.
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