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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The person who was told to shut up now self-identifies as something other than a woman, so therefore it is completely appropriate to shut [formerly her] down, as [she] is no longer a woman, and it isn't misogynistic to tell [her] to STFU for the sake of the party. Therefore, women's rights have not been infringed, and everyone is still equal. In fact, telling [her] to shut it is nothing less than a heroic act of patriotism!
  2. Eh, I would have gone for a babbling brook reference myself... Gator's gotta gator.
  3. Because she's Trump's wife, and not the right kind of foreigner.
  4. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-put-on-my-robe-and-wizard-hat
  5. She is covering her ass by releasing statements condemning him before people start remembering her ringing endorsements.
  6. Is Trump actually an incarnation of The Doctor?!?
  7. Schneiderman is an ass. Won't miss him.
  8. I really enjoy how tone-deaf liberals are when it comes to people throwing their bullSchiff back in their faces.
  9. There exists no amount of drugs of alcohol that would make me want to touch either one.
  10. Praise be Obama!
  11. Inappropriate, absolutely. However, you'll notice that every one of the students he put his hands on were standing there dancing, instead of waving and moving along (in fact, you'll notice that all of the black students who actually did that left unmolested). Graduations shouldn't be 8 hours long to accommodate everyone's dance moves.
  12. I'd do her. She's got that desperate look about her that tells me she has no self esteem (or self of steam, if you will), and would be willing to do anything to please others.
  13. In regards to the IRGC, I mean it's stupid in that they're just going to invite the Israelis to wipe them out, rather than to be recalled to Iran to protect the Ayatollah and his cronies. They are still, by far, the best equipped and best trained military force Iran has, and they are readily capable (by design) of taking out the regular Iranian military forces.
  14. That would be just about the single dumbest !@#$ing thing Hezbollah and IRGC could do, with the exception of lobbing some missiles at our naval base in Bahrain. It's really astounding that they haven't learned not to !@#$ with the Jews.
  15. What about margaritas/tequila? Can we still culturally appropriate those?
  16. That's two much, man. To much.
  17. There is no apparently about it. Ralph actually did threaten to move the team if the luxury suites weren't sold with 5 year commitments. This came a year after he threatened to move the team unless those luxury boxes were built (at taxpayer expense). That's when I lost all respect for Ralph as an owner, and found it laughable when people kept hamming up his bullcrap position against moving teams as why he should be in the HoF.
  18. Might be a Dusty finish here. There's still 43 provisional ballots to count. As for it just being a primary, the winner of the GOP primary is virtually guaranteed to win the election.
  19. 1.) Document everything both you and he does with your accounts. Print out multiple hard copies of all of those emails he sends, as well as the documentation that he's full of crap, so the information don't magically disappear if/when you have to start taking more assertive action. Do not leave the hard copies in your office. 2.) Talk to the other partners one at a time, explain your side of the story, especially that he is fabricating a lot of the nonsense he is very publicly accusing you of. Show them the proof that he's lying, and risking millions of dollars in revenue with his little temper tantrum. You're not going to make him go away on your own, but if the other partners tell him to STFU, he'll have to listen. 3.) This is underhanded, but start talking to your big accounts about him, and that they need to be wary of dealing with him. Use your relationship with them to undermine him, without alienating the customers. If big accounts start telling the higher-ups that they're only going to deal with you, what are the powers-that-be going to do? 4.) Go into his office unannounced when every else is at lunch, close the door, pimp slap him across the face, knock him on his ass, and then have a very blunt discussion as to why you feel his actions are inappropriate, and that he's going to very clearly (and carefully) explain to you what the problem is. Repeat the pimp slap as necessary. Try not to leave marks. Have an alibi and a fall guy ready. I volunteer @Boyst62. Crushed garlic under the heater, or in a closet. Rubs into carpet, and almost impossible to find.
  20. Eh, probably. I'd have to see her clown makeup.
  21. I got maybe a quarter through the article before I had to stop. There are so many blatant inaccuracies that I really don't care to read any more. The author can't even use a basic google search to determine when Lil' Kim took control of DPRK, and he apparently doesn't understand that the US pulled its nuclear weapons out of South Korea in 1991.
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