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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It's not his fault that today's DNC taking points memo came out later than usual. Give the man a break.
  2. Bullschiff! No one makes mixtapes anymore. Because they're Persians?
  3. The correct answer is yes, to both her and the professor. Though the fact that the B word is throwing a temper tantrum protest because her professor dared to suggest she look like a !@#$ing professional when giving a thesis presentation bodes ill for this student's future.
  4. Trump is a !@#$ing sneak-thief Nazi who kidnaps innocent Americans from North Korea?!? That mother!@#$er even had TWO scoops of ice cream. Trump's a !@#$ing Nazi, racist, misogynistic, wifebeating, Kim-stealing, TWO scoop eating piece of Schiff.
  5. I believe it is. You see, when he met with them, he allowed them only ONE scoop of ice cream, while he consumed TWO scoops of ice cream. Only a monster taunts newly-released victims of the DPRK by openly eating twice as much ice cream in front of them. A. Monster. Pompeo would have been my eternal hero if he had actually tweeted that.
  6. Please let us know when he brings the Trump administration down. So far, all he has done is promote himself, violate federal law, and get an investigation into his activities kicked off.
  7. He doesn't have to list those tired arguments, because shut up, that's why.
  8. I love these historical re-writes. Lincoln was actually a Democrat, the KKK (the militant wing of the Democratic Party) is now a GOP organization, Andrew Jackson, whose nickname became the Democrat party mascot, is not a Democrat, all because reasons.
  9. Absolutely not. No one would ever accuse you of being anywhere near as intelligent (or literate) as B-Man.
  10. So if the 'blue wave' doesn't happen, are we going to get another book about "What Happened?"
  11. Oh darn, I'll never score with the traitorous B word.
  12. What the !@#$? Talk about making strawmen to attack, while conveniently never quoting what comment the "WW" was having a problem with. Funny how this "PhD Candidate" had no issues quoting the white woman several times.
  13. I don't think either of you were really wrong or right. It really boils down to what either of you mean by 'adjustments'. If it's a simple tweaking of what plays you're calling to counter what they're doing on the field or some changes to the protection calls, then they should be done on the fly. If it means throwing out the game plan and winging it, you should wait for halftime to make that decision - unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the gameplan that is readily apparent from the outset, such as your gameplan is to pound the rock up the middle 50 times, and they immediately present a 9-man front on every play.
  14. I believe he is referring to the construction of the batteries. The mining of the rare-earths that make the batteries function is a nasty, dirty business.
  15. Stop walking past your windows naked!
  16. I have to go to 639 Exchange Street next week, can you swing by and pick me up in your hybrid?
  17. Nonsense, when you're aligned with the GOP, the FBI must raid your home/business so that they can figure out if you've committed a crime. If not, then they interview you repeatedly until you say something inconsistent, so they can manufacture a crime. This is just like voting to pass a bill so that we can know what's in the legislation.
  18. Oh, an unethical ambulance chaser said it, so it must be true!
  19. That almost sounds like the title of a bad porno...
  20. What are you talking about? He's the smarterist man in the room! Granted, he's the only one in his particular room, but he's still A-#1 in the smarty pants department there.
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