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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Where all da white women at?
  2. Good. If he hasn't come up with anything in a year+, he's not going to.
  3. I'll bet you that he had TWO scoops of ice cream to celebrate taking black granny down a few notches with his elbow of righteousness.
  4. Depends on how many bullet holes there are.
  5. My brother did it. Apparently he and our maternal uncle may potentially be cousins.
  6. Real news outlets would make Stormy's reaction a 5 part story. I presume he had the good sense to fire you on the spot.
  7. If you can include removing anti-adblock walls in that plug-in, I'd appreciate it.
  8. Just self-identify as being perfectly healthy, and you'll be fine.
  9. The Bills need to dig up the ghost of John McKay for coachspeak interviews: "I think it's a good idea." -- on the Buccaneers' execution "Everyone is unhappy at times, even my wife. Only she doesn't get interviewed about it." --on Buccaneers players who were complaining to the press "Injuries kill you. I remember in Pittsburgh, we had no players and the ones we did have wanted to stay at the hotel by the fire. I was ticked because that's where I wanted to stand." -- on the Buccaneers losing 42-0 to the Steelers "We didn't have a lot of talkers. We had two or three guys who could say a long prayer. In fact, one guy went so long one time he got an standing ovation. He was blessing everybody, the motor, the tire, the wheels, the fans. I kind of went to sleep." -- on his early Bucs teams "You do a lot of praying, but most of the time the answer is 'no.'" -- on why coaching an expansion team is a religious experience "We didn't tackle well today but we made up for it by not blocking." Emotion is highly overrated in football. My wife Corky is emotional as hell but can’t play football worth a damn. On his team’s blocking strategy: “Hold when you’re at home and don’t hold when you’re on the road.” If you have everyone back from a team that lost ten games, experience isn’t too important. "It's shattering when a player loses interest in camp. When you lose your desire to stand around and eat steaks, you lose everything." "God's busy. They'll have to make do with me." -- when asked if his team prayed for victory "Maybe that will distract the Falcon quarterback." -- McKay once threatened to show up naked for a game against the Atlanta Falcons.
  10. He's a self-promoting unethical ambulance chaser.
  11. The article is still there, it's just rapidly covered by their subscription bullschiff. If you hit the stop button fast enough, you can read the article.
  12. That's easy to answer. "Sir, I stopped beating my wife the same day you stopped raping young children."
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/sally-yates-warns-trump-tearing-legitimacy-justice-department-154148205.html Perhaps Ms. Yates should re-read all the "nonpolitical" text messages between the people at the very same "nonpartisan" DOJ (along with all of the other evidence that is coming out) about instituting a very partisan palace coup.
  14. I'd wager that is pretty much the gameplan when this all blows up in their faces. Deny, deflect, attack the messenger, then proclaim it no longer matters.
  15. Is there much of a difference?
  16. So do the other women look down and agree that you're Asian?
  17. Worf... or Mr. Edmunds. Because people have too much time on their hands, and the need to personalize players so that they can turn on said players as soon as they have a bad game.
  18. The girl with the orange polka-dot shirt is going to be fun when she's an adult.
  19. The NRA paid Cruz to take the fall for Rubio. They're that evil.
  20. Not to mention that Trump makes Barron watch his mom being slapped around. What an evil bastard. #methree #impeach #resist #hashtag #pound
  21. You do understand that you never actually asked for a moral judgment of Trump's corruption. Your dipschiffery knows no bounds.
  22. I did. It was in English and everything.
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