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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. We did a voice vote to suspend an arcane rule well... I believe you missed the Dick Jauron joke he was making...
  2. 56% of the time, he's consistent every time! Yeah, that's pretty racist of him.
  3. Can't imagine why that ray of sunshine wasn't invited. She's on the neighborhood watch!
  4. I think it depends on how involved the infiltration is. I would hope they first go directly to the candidate for cooperation. If it needs to be made public, they should be as transparent as possible after ferreting out the infiltration, to try to ensure that the revelations impact that campaign as little as possible. Of course, if made public before the election, the other candidate is going to harp on how their inept opponent allowed foreign spies into their inner circle, and thus cannot be trusted to be president and blahblahblah.
  5. I believe they're saving that story arc for season 23.
  6. This may be the best gif I've ever seen.
  7. So you're discriminating against the transients for moving between cardboard boxes? You monster!
  8. In fairness, after 8 years of Obama, "keeping a promise" is a rather unheard of thing to the left.
  9. The difference between the homeless and the RVers is that the homeless generally live in the district they're voting in. The RVers apparently do not.
  10. Clearly if he didn't have access to transportation, he wouldn't have been able to take his guns, knives, bombs to the school. In fact, if there were no public schools, there would have been no students to kill. I blame public education. BAN EDUCATION!
  11. He's a raysis Russian colluderer that had sex with a pron star, he allows kids to die in schools, he somehow destroyed the environment in 2100, and his name isn't Hillary Clinton. #impeach #resist #nevertrump
  12. Only to be brutally gunned down by David Hogg, who is currently in route to Santa Fe to explain to us all why military-style pump-action automatic self-reloading shotguns that shoot sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads should be illegal.
  13. Both things AND stuff? You monster.
  14. There were only about 400,000 people who attended that game. In an 80,000 seat stadium that wasn't sold out. How do you know they didn't leave?!?
  15. Mongo has deep feelings for Sheriff Bart.
  16. It's rather difficult to murder innocents as part of an oppressive apartheid-like scheme to steal tracks of worthless land, if you're inflicting non-lethal wounds on said innocents.
  17. Just let her smoke some pot. Will clear that heart condition right up.
  18. Word has it that there's a miraculous drug that may cure what ails you.
  19. No one needs to self-identify as an military-style assault attack helicopter. That's not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. You, sir, should be ashamed of yourself. You are banned from the safe space for 24 minutes, and you cannot hug the teddy bear or coloring book for an additional 12 minutes.
  20. I once contracted gonorsyphilherpaids from this scabby prostitute. One whiff of second-hand pot smoke on my death bed instantly cured me, made me more attractive, improved my bank account by several decimal places, and left a sports car in my driveway. It truly is a miraculous plant.
  21. If they have self-reloading automatic bayonet lugs, they're still military-style assault weapons.
  22. I'd suspect the theater is directed more towards stakeholders in North Korea than anyone else. Kim's a dead man if he gives away the store.
  23. So... gator actually figured out which end of the microphone to talk into?
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