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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Acknowledging what occurred in reality - you know, that the Bills did NOT control their own destiny and had to rely on a lucky TD pass on a 4th down being played ~1,000 miles away to get in on a third or fourth tiebreaker - is not "tearing down" anything. The bottom line is that the Bills won 9 games, which is great. However they got in the playoffs due to pure luck. Winning 9 games by itself was not enough to get into the playoffs. They needed help, got help, and the help was pure happenstance. Why do you believe that understanding what actually happened is somehow belittling the team? How insecure are you in your fanhood that you refuse to accept the reality that the Bills got lucky?
  2. 9 wins and how many tiebreakers? Oh, forgot about those already?
  3. What a load of crap. When a team gets into the playoffs on a 3rd/4th/5th tiebreaker, that's luck. Dalton throwing a TD pass on 4th down to win the game for the Bungles, putting the Bills into the playoffs, was most assuredly not part of the process. However, feel free to convince yourself otherwise so that you can sleep at night.
  4. I'm rather fond of it. It's where all my stuff is.
  5. You're doing your usual very poor job of using my "own f'n argument!" Try paying attention to current events, dipschiff.
  6. Is he a real doctor or a doctor like Doctor Pepper is a doctor? Maybe even Dr. J? Hell, I'd trust @Boyst62's medical degree over Fake News.
  7. Indicted with what? By whom? I know this is the latest liberal histrionic fantasy (after the Electoral College revolt, the impeachment nonsense, and Stormy), but it's not going to happen. However, please keep the flame alive, as it will guarantee Trump in 2020. You're just doing your part to Keep America Great!
  8. Well you certainly can't be talking about the investigation that has widely been shown to be based on lies, deception, and corruption by the Department of Justice in general, and the FBI in particular, so I have to ask which investigation you're referring to.
  9. Which investigation was this?
  10. Explain, in great detail, how he interfered in any investigation.
  11. I certainly will not dictate anything, but I would strongly suggest that you avoid at least 76% of the websites in @Boyst62's browser history.
  12. Do you want to bring back Kyle Orton, Randy Orton, or Cowboy Bob Orton?
  13. Any more points, and he'll have to take his shoes off to count them. Apparently there are Male, Female, and NaziRepublican genders. Of course, the latter is sub-human and is rightfully resisted by throwing glasses of water.
  14. Woe to the unlucky Canuckian who dares to bring stale urine from a female to the local tannery. Not only is it unseemly, but it completely ruins the batch of dye. I think the punishment is 3 years of not being allowed to watch hockey or curling. It's akin to the death penalty.
  15. Eh, at least he wasn't forced to commit ritual suicide to regain his honor.
  16. That sounds like an absolutely miserable day.
  17. You're about as American as borscht. Fricken delusional Vietnamese mother of 12 is off his meds again.
  18. You were referencing cannabis use disorder. I was talking about how I need Doritos now.
  19. You know what the cure is for all of this? MORE POT!
  20. Yeah, about that smell... sorry. We haven't made Boyst bathe in a few months.
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