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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I got 23 as well. I'm not autistic, just an !@#$.
  2. #methree ...and it better not be a paperback copy you sign, you cheap bastard! ?
  3. Who do I have to hate to get into Lauren Southern's pants?
  4. I suspect that the result would have been more in the vein of Weinstein committing suicide by double-tapping himself in the back of the head.
  5. It will be a short war, since the leftists gave up their guns in the name of safety... That is unless they're complete hypocrites.
  6. Just like MS13. They'll accuse Trump of bashing all Jews, and defend Weinstein's right to exploit women.
  7. Well, he does have a fascination with taking poundings and farm animals. I'm sure that somehow contributes to something... Nah, just kidding. No doubt that he's pretty much a failure at life. Of course, he's going to come back and tell us all about how he's not a liberal dipschiff, he's actually a moderate republican; how his wife and girlfriend are both models; how he drives a $200,000 sports car to his multi-million dollar job; and then tell us all about his heroic accomplishments in both sports and life. Did you know he once scored 4 touchdowns in a single game for Polk High Football in the 1966 championship game?
  8. Could work. The Democrats are already tried to reinvent the New Deal, before their current "Drain the Swamp" hilarity. Even better, this time her campaign surrogates could improve upon her misogyny narrative by adding that anyone who doesn't vote for her is not only sexist, but is discriminating against the handicapped as well!
  9. It's Newsweek. They could tell me that it's Saturday and the sun is shining, and I would have to check both for accuracy.
  10. Obama had the greatest assassination insurance policy ever: Joe Biden.
  11. Careful, you don't want to damage his self of steam.
  12. Morgan Freeman has been #metoo'd. ?
  13. Yeah, but do you even lift, brah?
  14. Does it really surprise anyone that she turned out to be a Welfare [Fraud] Queen?
  15. 1.) Her name is ridiculous. 2.) For 54, she ain't bad looking if she loses the bitchface. I'd do her.
  16. No, you're just a moron.
  17. That's fine, your insecurities are noted.
  18. So we've officially gone from the collusion narrative to the corruption narrative now? I can't wait for the next narrative after corruption goes the way of collusion.
  19. No. DAs are independent and generally have unfettered prosecutorial discretion. They do not answer to the AG. The AG's office itself has no ability to force a duly elected DA to do anything. That's why Cuomo, as governor of NY, had to issue a directive for the AG to be appointed as a special prosecutor for any cases involving unarmed people being killed by police using excessive force, after the Bronx (I believe) DA tanked a case at Grand Jury against police officers using excessive force, resulting in the death of a black guy who was selling untaxed cigarettes.
  20. Would make no difference. The AG has no authority to intervene in a county DA prosecution.
  21. So is this why you like to be pounded so much? Dude, you don't have to compare yourself to livestock to raise your self-esteem. You're good enough, you're smart enough, and people like... oh wait, you're none of those things. On second thought, maybe comparing yourself to livestock is the way to go. All the poundings you can take, and no one expects you to be able to do anything other than eat grass and crap on the ground.
  22. I would add (to echo Boyst's point): Fourth, they're trying to advertise in a way to avoid the negative publicity that comes with SJW accusations of lacking diversity and being racist by featuring solely white people in their commercials.
  23. I love how the DNC-approved talking points now steal lines directly from Trump. Especially their new platform to "drain the swamp". He's not in their heads or anything. It never ceases to amaze me how bereft the left is of original ideas. They're literally stealing lines and campaign slogans from Donald J. Hitler now.
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