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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. You invented a position that I did not take, and then commented on it. That's a strawman argument. You're right, neither one of us get to determine who can be offended. I never did such a thing (and, frankly, neither did you). Pointing out that it's silly to get offended by so little is not 'arbitrating' anything.
  2. When did I ever say I didn't see how it was possible? Strawman arguments don't last long around here. However, the culture of feigned outrage over every little thing dilutes those who may actually have some reason to be offended. Back in 2011, Sarah Palin made some comment about the crosshair pic hysteria, using the obscure term 'blood libel'. The libs feigned even more outrage about the term, claiming it was anti-Semitic and painful due to bullschiff that happened in the middle ages. I knew it was a stupid statement when I heard him say it. To get upset and offended over such a comment is silly, veteran or not.
  3. Oh, so that's the standard for investigating corrupt charitable organizations now?
  4. Meeting is next Tuesday at 6 pm. Bring a white robe. Yes. Yes he is. He is the world's greatest troll.
  5. The problem is that the vast majority of people who find his comments offensive are actively looking to be offended by anything he says or does. I'm sure his morning bowel movement is offensive to many liberals, for no other reason than they hate Trump.
  6. Image the royalties if they had licensed despair! At least she handed the dictionary to you, rather than swinging it to see if you would learn by osmosis!
  7. The best way to control healthcare costs is to allow full competition by insurance companies nationwide; allow health insurance coverage to be purchased a la carte; mandate that all hospitals and other institutional healthcare providers be non-profit; and mandate that if you can't pay your bill, these guys get to hunt you down and repossess your organs:
  8. Well, Underwood will make a large show of trying. She's got a hotly contested election coming up to get the AG job full-time, and has to buff up her liberal dipschiff credentials. There's a reason he's so hangry...
  9. I don't hate the idea.
  10. So let me get this straight: You won't listen to anyone or anything you disagree with unless they prove your beliefs wrong... which they can't do because you won't listen to them?
  11. I'll say. The guy on the bottom right is going to be #metoo'd in about 30 years for grabbing the other's ass.
  12. What gains? I thought that the Trump Tax scam was only enriching the rich on the backs of the working class? Has the narrative changed again?
  13. They didn't call him "The Hammer" for nothing.
  14. Not landing your private helicopter in the middle of the yard was probably a good idea.
  15. Don't forget the time he kicked your ass in paragraph 52(b)(6)(vii) of his post.
  16. Have her watch some old episodes of Restaurant Stakeout. While most of the show is just entertainment bull ****, they actually do give some good advice for servers. It's been too long since I watched it to direct you to a particular episode. Few general things that I remember from the advice given on that show (and others): Leave your problems at the door. The customers don't care if you're having a bad day - they're there to enjoy themselves. Learn to upsell the higher priced dishes/drinks while not being obvious or pushy, especially when working for tips. Know the menu and what goes into dishes. Be ready to answer questions. Know the specials. If they serve wine there, know what wines work with what dishes. Taste all of the dishes at some point, and be able to give recommendations (that may or not coincidentally be the higher priced items). Upsell. Oh, and chefs are all whiny bitches. It comes with the kitchen or something.
  17. You've gone and made me do it, Greg: Stormy Daniels! Your point is now invalid. #RESIST #IMPEACH #HASHTAG #POUNDSYMBOL
  18. Fixed that for you.
  19. So... you're getting paid to take a several hour nap on company time?
  20. I hope the liberals graduate to self-immolation next. That will really show people who value Constitutionally-protected rights.
  21. Casino uncensored is really good. The USA/Network version sucks donkey balls.
  22. I suspect that this FOIA suit is more related to potential prosecution than caring about eventually suing for damages related to his termination.
  23. I think what Bolton was getting at was misconstrued. I do not believe that he was referring to Ghadaffi being overthrown and murdered, but how the actual deal to permanently denuclearize and verify was structured and implemented, which was apparently very smooth and worked well for everyone involved.
  24. I think that there are enough hawks advising Trump that Best Korea pulling the football would end very badly for Lil' Kim. Trump has already shown he has no problem walking away from negotiations, after the North Koreans started pulling their schiff. I hope I'm wrong, but believe that Trump would consider using military options if Kim started violating agreements, pulled out of talks, and the sabre rattling resumed.
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