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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Pretending that history doesn't exist is the single most moronic thing the left has advocated (and that's saying something). That's straight-up ISIS bullschiff. Destroy anything you don't agree with.
  2. http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/395090-ocasio-cortez-shreds-conservative-commentator-for-sharing-picture-of-her Yeah, she "shredded" him by pointing out she went to Boston University, not Brown... I liked his retort, however: "You're not a 'girl from the Bronx'."
  3. Not possible. Trump was ordered to run by the Clintons in order to sabotage the GOP and ensure Hillary as our eternal president.
  4. Eh, I'd given them all a ride on Space Mountain.
  5. Well, either the premise of this thread is completely wrong, or the Democrats continue to prove that they've lost their !@#$ing minds: http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/394985-dnc-chairman-calls-obama-the-real-president-of-the-united-states
  6. The same that would have happened to the guy wearing a hammer and sickle... Which is nothing. They didn't exist. !@#$ off with this nonsense.
  7. The proper thing would have been to leave the 6 year old, rather than to rip him away from that sitting rock and take him into custody. Taking children into custody is apparently wrong, evil, and Nazism this week. Think of the children!
  8. That the "president of the USA" has something called "ppl" that need to be checked because it's not dishonest?
  9. You don't really need to watch CNN to know who this jackwagon is. He's an agitator, pretending to be a journalist, who makes himself the story by shouting inappropriate questions at Trump (for example, during the Best Korea summit, during an Easter event with kids present, etc.). He even quoted the poem on the Statue of Liberty as somehow being immigration law. http://www.businessinsider.com/jim-acosta-brad-parscale-first-amendment-2018-4 https://thepoliticalinsider.com/jim-acosta-north-korea/ http://thefederalist.com/2017/08/02/cnns-jim-acosta-read-statue-liberty-poem-melted-someone-suggested-immigrants-able-read/
  10. If you weren't too busy flaunting your white male privilege for all to see, with your bill-paying nonsense, you'd realize that the context is that those while male dickbags were being unnecessarily disrespectful to that poor innocent woman by assaulting her with facts, espousing policies that discriminate and repress her (and others), breathing her air, and leering at her goddess-like visage.
  11. That's a man who loves his country. He wants to trash Trump while making every story about himself. He's not even trying to be a journalist anymore, and hasn't been one since January 2017 (if he was ever).
  12. I think the FBI Police should investigate!
  13. I had almost forgotten what an arrogant, dirty, nasty, piece of Schiff he really is.
  14. Reading crap like this makes me grateful that all of my child molester/kiddie porn clients plead out (or I was able to get evidence suppressed) before I had to start going through images/videos.
  15. Kinda makes foregoing retaliatory tariffs and coming to the table to seriously renegotiate trade deals more appetizing, doesn't it?
  16. Wait, I thought he was going to either quit or be fired for the past 8 months...
  17. There is a lot of redundant redundancy with the Cabinet. The Department of Education and Department of the VA were elevated to cabinet-level positions by Carter as a political stunt. There is no reason that either VA or Education needs to be separate. I'd wager you could cut down the Cabinet to 10-12 members without skipping a beat.
  18. So he's living the dream?
  19. The Capitol Police. Simply declaring the Capitol, as well as all of the Senate and House office buildings as "gun free zones" is sufficient protection. Maybe put up some signs for good measure.
  20. Didn't so much forget as was setting it up to proclaim the conclusive non-proof later, should someone dare to challenge my 100% true and accurate assertions about "John Adams". Do you really think it was a coincidence that "John Adams", aka the Earl of Glandore, was there to defend those involved in the British genocide attempt during the Boston Massacre?!?
  21. He may be onto something. I, for one, have never seen a photograph of John Adams living in Massachusetts. Clearly he was the Earl of Glandore, who attempted to destroy the fledgling United States through the Alien and Sedition Acts, all while using the XYZ Affair to cover his tracks in the media. No driver's license. No passport. No vacation selfies, NOTHING! John Adams was a Zionist traitor! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
  22. Pelosi has been a reliable money generator for the RNC for the better part of 14 years.
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