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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. True, but I doubt he could handle knowing about the Jew bee dance. After the butler, before founding al Qaeda. He had to use the Liberty to practice attacking the Pentagon's 'No Parking' sign, before the real thing.
  2. Wonder who he snitched on... https://sports.yahoo.com/no-snitchin-eagles-lane-johnson-decries-nfl-policy-185305532.html
  3. Of course they didn't think that. They just wanted to be able to disingenuously point to a feeble attempt to contact him when called out on their partisan bullschiff.
  4. I swear, for a racist-Nazi-bigot conservative, Tom is one hell of a woke SJW liberal. Now now, we all know that he was Colonel Ossman, and he fulfilled his CIA contract when he killed the butler in the drawing room with the candlestick before founding al Qaeda. Or something.
  5. Is this like the Republican Hispanic representative who was not allowed to join the Congressional Hispanic Caucus because he was a Republican?
  6. Trump should just announce that the US will enact tariffs on all goods from each country to match the highest tariff imposed on US goods by that country. That way, each individual country controls its trade destiny with the US. They can't claim it's unfair if the US is simply imposing the same tariff rate on their goods that they are on our goods. !@#$ free trade, each country tries to game the system, then proclaim themselves victims when called out on their crap. There's a reason the US almost always wins in WTO court (and it's not because we control the WTO court - we don't.) Fair trade is the only way to go.
  7. What the actual !@#$ did I just read? Seriously, this broad gets paid to write an article about not going to the gym, having a bad meal, then going back to the gym and being sore a year later?
  8. Yeah, but he gets a pass for making Abby:
  9. On the bright side, she'll now be in an "assisted" living "home" for the rest of her life. She'll just have to keep her head on a swivel and not get shanked playing shuffleboard.
  10. They do use a WHITE cotton swap for the test.
  11. I love how this unethical ambulance chaser does whatever he can to stay in the news. He hasn't even pretended to care about representing his client in months.
  12. I don't know if I would change anything. Most of what got me to where I am was dumb luck and good timing (with a little bit of occasionally making it look like I put in hard work in between.) Change one little thing, and my life probably turns out vastly different - not necessarily to my benefit.
  13. They get silly with admissions standards in order to promote diversity. My friend's brother (they are ethnically Chinese) was denied admission into medical school because he was "too professional" in his interview. Academically he was in the top end of applicants. Makes me feel good that they went for a lesser quality applicant to become a doctor, in the name of diversity.
  14. I hope so. It's such a pain in the ass to make from scratch. Especially when people start asking questions.
  15. So you like to assert your power by sexually assaulting the descendants of slaves (you know, by looking at them), AND culturally appropriate food from hard working downtrodden brown people? On top of that, you have not properly condemned Corey Stewart for whatever his thought crimes are?!? Hell, I'd bet you're even a white male. You're the worst form of Nazi misogynistic racist.
  16. Thank you for proving my point.
  17. Mostly because no one cares. Also, (and more to the point) you're being so obnoxious, most anyone who could be made to care isn't going to.
  18. Well, if we're all doomed, I suggest you flee the sinking ship as soon as possible. Venezuela is nice this time of year.
  19. I can't speak for him, but I think he means you're an idiot.
  20. Yes, that's how we get more Trump. Obama is a national hero for lying so much that we now have Trump Making America Great Again.
  21. General Zod is the rightful leader of Planet Houston. He will bring peace, harmony, prosperity, and eye lasers! That pathetic cheating racist Nazi Russian-colluder Kal-El should be impeached! #resist!
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