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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I know. My father always loved how, as an officer, Kerry got purple hearts for scratches, but my dad, who was an enlisted gunner's mate, was denied a purple heart when he got a rocket motor burn after an RPG missed him by a fraction of an inch.
  2. What? After he heroically threw someone else's medals away in protest?!?
  3. Meh, he was no Moorman.
  4. Didn't help Austin's spine when Owen Hart broke his neck with a botched piledriver. I really hope that Japanese dude turns out alright. That bump was nasty, but I would hope that it's a good sign that he was able to move his arms and grasp his head/neck after landing.
  5. That's not her actual twitter account. Her twitter thingy is @Ocasio2018. I googled that twitter name, it's description is: " Official campaign PAC for (D)Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York's 14th Congressional District". It has a whopping 262 followers. I'd guess that it's some troll.
  6. I can't believe that the Clintons followed their orders (given to them via the Jew bee dance) to tell Putin to have Trump not only attack poor innocent altruistic pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, but to nominate a white man to the Supreme Court who is only interested in slaughtering women by the mass grave-load. The surviving women will be deprived much-needed medications due to this evil triad of Zionistic evil. Humanity is doomed unless we riot and burn down our own homes and businesses! We must #resist the actual literal super Nazis and their racist bigot misogynistic pedophile racist super Nazi actual literal Hitler, Trump! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! IT'S TIME TO SCREAM HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY!
  7. Did Trump ever specify which southern border wall Mexico was going to pay for?
  8. The hypersonic cruise missile that the Jews used to attack the Pentagon's 'No Parking' sign on 9/11.
  9. It only counts if the president plays for the correct team, which the evil Nazi racist bigot homophobe Nazi islamophobe pedophile Nazi Trump does not.
  10. Make sure to save some kid bones for soup stock.
  11. Roe is a horribly written decision that completely ignores the US Constitution, specifically the 10th Amendment. Some legal scholars believe that the 10th Amendment is more advisory than law. I don't subscribe to that idiocy, especially when you actually put the Constitution into historical context, which many oft forget to do. However, I find it hilarious that anyone thinks that overturning the case would be some sort of panacea that would immediately end all abortions in the US. In fact, I think that the right to life crowd would likely be horrified at the ramification if the case were overturned. The law would go back to each individual state deciding whether abortion is legal, and under what terms and conditions it is or is not. Assuming that even half the states would seek to prohibit abortions (which, I think, is a gross overestimation), the worst-case scenario is that preggo chicks are slightly inconvenienced in having to go to another state for the procedure. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure we'd hear all the sob stories about some broad who was too poor to buy a condom (but obviously not too poor to have unprotected sex) and can't possibly get anywhere abortions are legal, but !@#$ them. Where the right really doesn't want to mess with Roe is that all of the federal restrictions would become unconstitutional, as a state issue, and thus meaningless. Nothing would prevent a state from allowing abortions into the third trimester. Nothing would prevent states from authorizing partial-birth abortions. Nothing would prevent a state from passing legislation authorizing whatever horrific procedure they want to legalize to terminate a fetus. In the end, Roe vs. Wade is a terrible decision that completely ignores the concepts of limited federal government and dual sovereignty, but it probably is the fairest compromise there can be to such a contentious issue. I'm not sure who the better troll is, Cruz or Trump. Cruz's tweet was gold, and Trump's move was a masterpiece.
  12. The whole "lack of evidence" thing will get Trump "off", regardless of what happens to Manafort.
  13. C'mon man, you know the left doesn't give two Schiffs about these kids, and they never have. The poor kids only matter when there's something to be outraged about. Of course, I could be wrong and BF4 could actually be advocating for locking children up in adult detention centers with sex traffickers/pedophiles. Because it's all about the children. Several times per day. You'll notice that not one of these liberal asshats gave a crap about these poor kids when Obama, Bush, and Clinton were doing the same exact thing (or being outraged that Obama was putting them in tiny dog kennels.)
  14. Depends on the body count - he might find it downright hysterical.
  15. An actual civil war will swing whatever way the US military goes (including the various state national guards). The two worst scenarios would be if they stay on the sidelines, allowing people to fight it out themselves; or - even worse - if the military splits and fights itself. However, the most we're likely going to see is idiots rioting and destroying their own homes and neighborhoods in protest of something stupid, before they get cordoned off/run out of things to break.
  16. I use Firefox's reader view with annoying websites like the Post.
  17. Why not? She doesn't seem overly interested in being married to him anymore, and she wants to vent their dirty laundry on social media for all to see. Even if he's completely in the wrong (which I'd wager he probably is), that's not really acceptable.
  18. Yeah, that was my first thought when I read her comment. Of course, even if he drops her like a bad habit (which from her tweets, he probably should), she's still going to rake in the cash in maintenance (alimony) and child support.
  19. He has been arrested. Out on $5,000 bond. https://nypost.com/2018/07/06/man-arrested-after-hurling-drink-at-teen-wearing-maga-hat-cops/
  20. There's a better chance she'll die of old age in the next 5 years than be indicted.
  21. That's going to go about as well as the time Roosevelt tried to pack the court.
  22. Damn, all I get is @Boyst62 sending me pics of his farm animals.
  23. Well *someone* has to use the environment to oppress minorities. The FDA is too busy oppressing minorities by allowing racist genetically modified foods to be sold, and don't even get me started on all the work the Department of Energy is putting in to oppress. Who is left?
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