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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Be as shocked as you want. However, if you actually want some respect around here, start refuting his points with actual facts - showing your work, rather than the stupidity that you've been posting.
  2. Yet you did absolutely nothing to actually refute his points.
  3. If Trump were a true Canadian, he would immediately declare cyber war against the hackers of your company! It's all about national integrity or something.
  4. Well, we all know that Trump runs the Finnish Presidential Palace, so this must be all his fault. #RESIST
  5. Trump colluded with Russia to keep the US National Soccer team out of the World Cup. #IMPEACH
  6. Where do you think that any type of warfare is going to lead? It's going to lead to each side shutting down the other's infrastructure, which is going to lead to a hot war, which is going to lead to a nuclear war. War isn't nice. War isn't pretty. War has a tendency to escalate. Honestly, use what little brains God gave you before calling for stupidity like a warmongering nutjob. Well, if we're going to use nutjob's logic, Israel should be cyber attacking us any day now for blatantly interfering in their last election.
  7. So you want to start a nuclear war over some !@#$ing facebook ads?
  8. Fair enough, it is Gator after all...
  9. What I really want to know is why George III didn't meet with George Washington in 1775? What were they hiding?!?
  10. True, but my main point is that he can still be wildly stupid with a bit more subtlety and wit.
  11. Trump is not for free trade, and never has been. He is for FAIR trade, which is not the same thing.
  12. It is that time of year...
  13. Yet no one believes that. Citing national security grounds and believing Canuckistan to be a national security threat are NOT the same thing. Try reading the first sentence of your quoted post for and example of spouting liberal asshattery.
  14. Don't be stupid, and stop spouting liberal asshattery. Strategic resources ARE a national security issue.
  15. What, you mean besides their respective economies collapsing? What do you think China can offer them? It isn't security, and it isn't a trading partner that can come anywhere close to what the US can provide. China has been living on theft and currency manipulation for quite some time. Seriously, do you really think that there is a single country that's acting altruistically?
  16. Brian Williams was there for all three acts of heroism and sacrifice.
  17. Don't worry, they'll make sure you change your vote back after your death.
  18. It's called a "paycheck". People get those when they "work" at some form of "employment".
  19. Weren't we just told that the US is using gangster tactics?
  20. !@#$ that! I want full Michael Bay theatrics for the raid... overlaid with an appropriate musical score.
  21. 6.5 years of this to go.
  22. I said heroically!
  23. You know I just read that in a James Ellsworth voice, right? Back to the Lake of Reincarnation with you!
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