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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. This seems to me to be a setup to legalize the popular vote compacts that some states have been trying to set up. If a state can legislatively force an elector into voting for their pledged candidate, what's to stop a state from forcing an elector to vote for the winner of the popular vote, potentially against the wishes of that state's populace?
  2. I would... but I wouldn't give her my actual phone number, address, or even use my own car.
  3. More mental health funding would be huge. Unfortunately, due to the lack of resources, the only current way to deal with many mental health crises is to push it off to the criminal justice system, which is not where many - if not most - of these people need to be.
  4. Nah, man. They need to make Chicago a gun-free zone. Maybe even put up some signs.
  5. That douchebag just lost for the second time in the special election, and he's going to lose again in November.
  6. It's sure to be far more entertaining than their 2016 meltdown.
  7. Huh, I don't seem to remember her objecting to gatherings because of the virus when she was welcoming people to riot in DC. Kinda funny how the 'science' is pretty malleable, depending on political objectives.
  8. I'd really like to see China try to take the city. I've a feeling that the Russians aren't going to merely slaughter a few Chinese soldiers with sticks like the Indians did.
  9. If you're going to call someone a liar, you might want to actually try going to the correct website. Of course, I'm sure the BLM transportation group appreciated your visit. And yes, going to blacklivesmatter.com does indeed send you to ActBlue.
  10. Great. How many of your family members are you willing to sacrifice to be raped, drugged up, or murdered so that there's a reason to put them in prison? You know, when we could have just tried to prevent them from crossing the border in the first place...
  11. The word 'post' indicates a phallic symbol of racist patriarchal dominance. They should come up with a more gender-neutral term so that no one feels excluded or uncomfortable when being tied to it and being whipped.
  12. Yeah... good luck with that. At least there's no traffic and plenty of room to stretch out and relax.
  13. Oh, it was retroactively 'obvious satire'. You know, like Creepy Joe angrily telling people they 'ain't black'.
  14. I took it to mean he wasn't going to change anything no matter how much his revenues plummet. 1-2% drop, who cares? 20-30% drop, that's a problem.
  15. Couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. I especially love how she blames 'Trump supporters' for her being fired for publicly threatening to stab people. And yes, I would.
  16. I was referring to the latter part of his comment about any percentage of revenue.
  17. Naming a river Murderkill somewhat invites the dumping of dead bodies. It's like going to KFC and finding... fried chicken.
  18. It's cute that he thinks he's not beholden to his shareholders, or his fiduciary duty to keep revenue coming in.
  19. I don't know about that, but I always love it when a professional football game breaks out during a block party/protest/riot.
  20. ***** irresponsible. I hope LEOs in VA walk off the job for a few weeks if they pass this crap.
  21. Other than having technical parole violation warrants withdrawn, I have not been paying much attention to what DOCCS has been doing. Nothing much surprises me with Emperor Andrew, though.
  22. What beach?
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