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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. While it's not the insult you want, it's the insult you deserve.
  2. Might help next time if you bait him in the form of a tweet, so he can copy and paste it.
  3. Well, gotta set up the excuses for losing early. It's not like she can possibly lose because she's not representing her state to her constituent's satisfaction.
  4. I do. It's still amusing to see it deployed by the lefties around here multiple times per day. Doesn't get old. Now what would really be impressive is if the dimwits on the left could actually come up with their own schtick, rather than utilizing the rubber/glue paradigm to start parroting insults hurled at them (before, of course, proclaiming victory and running away). I know, I know; I ask too much.
  5. The 'double dumbass on you' defense never fails to deliver.
  6. MPS - Meth Parcel Service. What can Blue Sky do for you?
  7. Well, a conference table costing $70,000 was certainly worthy of redactions from the Stzrok/Page texts. Imagine the harm to our national security if such sensitive and classified information - like wasting massive amounts of money on bullSchiff - got into the hands of our enemies!
  8. That's because you're a hipster.
  9. She needs to pick a hair style.
  10. You're confusing Robo-Hitler with Mecha-Hitler. Easy mistake to make.
  11. C'mon, be nice to the poor woman. He's trying to support 16 kids on a meager pizza delivery driver salary, after he spends 18 hours per day practicing medicine.
  12. You have to go to Super Hitler before Literal Super Hitler, then graduate on to Literal Super Mecha-Hitler. There's a clear chain of progression one must follow. Just like he must go from Literal Super Mecha-Hitler to Literal Super Mecha-Hitler Cobra Commander to finally reaching Literal Super Mecha-Hitler Serpentor. The only caveat to this progression is if they take the nuclear option and go straight to Megatron. Let's hope it never escalates that far. For the Children.
  13. The really sad part is that they can't understand that no one outside the beltway and a few loony libs gives a crap about this stuff. No one voted for Trump because he was a bastion of personal virtue.
  14. Future proves past (in addition to the present and past proving the past, when it comes to gator being gator.)
  15. That explains why only 6.8% of movies are any good.
  16. Should have just stopped there, when your post was accurate.
  17. Why is it that everyone who identifies themselves as "Independents" around here spout liberal talking points like there's no tomorrow?
  18. He is an independently stupid liberal, after all. Poor grammar and bestiality fetishes are par for the course.
  19. On the bright side, the left is well on their way to making sure that the label "Nazi" has just as much meaning as their last battle cry of "racist". When everyone's a Nazi racist, no one is.
  20. Now? Probably. 15 years and 2 murders ago? Absolutely!
  21. 'Elbowed' their way? That's hilarious. This Chicago whacknut 'won' the primary because he registered for the primary at the end of the very last possible day, knowing that the GOP never intended to run a candidate in a district they had no prayer of winning. You'll notice that he's never been endorsed by the GOP... Of course, facts have never stopped liberals from trying to create issues to cause headaches. I do love the California guy, though. I wonder what his views on Col. Ossman and the Jew Bee dance are. I find it interesting that the GOP publicly rejects these nutjob candidates, while the Democrats have their nutjobs tour the country.
  22. They would be upset over the clear DV and rape going on against her by Junior, but she's a Republican, so the left doesn't care as she's neither a person nor a woman.
  23. Which PPPers would be constituting the death panel in your health care proposal?
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