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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Didn't California drop its efforts at universal coverage after figuring out that covering everyone would cost something like double the state's entire current budget?
  2. They started the 'Head's Up' training program a number of years ago to accomplish exactly that. Unfortunately, it will take another decade or more before it filters up to the NFL. Until then, it's all about getting the big hits on SportsCenter.
  3. She's not using, just dealing. Yes I would.
  4. I would suggest contacting a disability attorney as well. The rules are created to be byzantine, specifically to discourage people from filing claims.
  5. Thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares tonight after seeing the picture of an assault straw.
  6. Wow, that's pretty misogynistic. Probably homophobic as well, considering he's likely now a lesbian.
  7. Yeah, I mean Kevin Everett was such a man when he broke his neck by using his helmet as a weapon instead of using proper tackling form. But hey, it makes you feel all macho that his career was ended by being a dumbass, so that's all that matters. We certainly can't reduce your enjoyment of football by making sure that players can actually walk off the field.
  8. Yikes. That's rather sad and pathetic.
  9. Someone forgot to pay their bribes...
  10. What an absolute load of crap. The human head and neck was not designed to take that kind of punishment or deliver a shot with the crown of the head as the impact point. There is no reflex action like a shark rolling its eyes, because our bodies weren't designed to run head-first at full speed into an object. Just stop with this 'pussification of football' macho doomsday bullcrap. It doesn't make you a man to break your neck, especially when the far more effective (and intelligent) option to tackle is to keep your head up and use the parts of your body that can actually absorb the impact. Actually, I think it makes you a moron to use your head as the tip of a missile.
  11. That could come in handy... Late fourth quarter, the Bills are losing to the Cheatriots. Tom Brady takes the field, only for Edmunds to activate a control panel on his wrist. Brady goes down in a nuclear holocaust. Along with the stadium. And the surrounding community. I hope this was a road game. Good times.
  12. Nonsense, everyone must play and get a participation trophy! Mommy government will take care of you!
  13. Happy birthday @B-Man
  14. RIP Grand Master Sexay and Nikolai Volkoff.
  15. Doesn't hurt that US pharmaceutical companies stick the US consumer with the costs of development and sell to those countries on the cheap either. There's a reason that the same exact medications are a fraction of the cost in Canada. People on the northern border used to get medications in Canuckistan all the time, until it was made illegal. Here's an interesting 2014 CNBC article including information about the relative costs for the same meds: https://www.cnbc.com/2014/05/23/patients-cross-borders-for-online-deals-on-medications.html
  16. Speaking of anal warts...
  17. In that case, don't B word when people know that you're a 60 year old half black, half Viet Kong grandmother of 24 who delivers pizza after using your PhD to work on clinical trials to eliminate anal warts.
  18. Well, you were doxxed awhile back, weren't you?
  19. [Saturday]
  20. I hope they never figure out how to affix a chainsaw bayonet onto that thing.
  21. Can you resist the Biden shoulder caress?
  22. Just think, you get to enjoy 6.5 more years of watching him slowly die!
  23. Is it wrong to say that I'd still do her, even with the crazy eyes and socialist stupidity?
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