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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I call bullSchiff! That's clearly Osama bin Laden visiting his family home in Tunisia. Right before heading to the temple to do Jewish Bee Dancing.
  2. Hard to say. They may be doing it just to bolster strong evidence, or they may be doing it as a distraction to keep the jurors from actually looking at the weaknesses in their case and/or their lack of evidence. Perhaps both. Either way, it's a nice appealable issue if the defense properly preserves it; they are trying to get the jurors to hate the defense right off the bat.
  3. It's not racist if it's against white people. She's a goddamned hero! She deserves a purple heart.
  4. Will be an interesting appeal. The defense has a great argument that he was not given a fair trial, as the prosecutors seem more interested in showing the jury that he is wealthy than in showing he committed a crime.
  5. Oh hell yes.
  6. That's why Mueller's team have a second trial on different charges scheduled. They want as many bites at the apple as they can get to either get Manafort to flip, or to try to secure a conviction on something (then leverage their sentencing recommendation for his cooperation.)
  7. Fredo Acosta needs to just shut his mouth. He's an agitator, not a journalist (and is apparently quite proud of that.) Real journalists don't constantly and consistently make themselves the story.
  8. Wow, I can't believe the Jews are planning to do that next week. What a monstrous thing they're coordinating. Completely undeserved. They're monsters, just like Colonel Ossman.
  9. I went through this phase where I had a job, paid my bills on time and went to work every day. !@#$! I'm still in it!
  10. Eh, they'd just invent some stupidity such as Byrd was actually a Republican, therefore all Republicans are evil. This would be in the same vein as their idiotic argument that the Democrats and GOP swapped players in the 1960s, therefore all evil acts by the Democrats in the 19th and half of the 20th centuries were actually perpetrated by Republicans.
  11. Tis just trifling breadcrumbs. Away with thee, peasant.
  12. It's probably not double jeopardy. That doesn't attach unless there was a prior prosecution that was either dismissed on its merits (or lack thereof), or if a trial had commenced and the defendant was acquitted (or there was no finding of guilt for various technical reasons). Throwing around the term 'exonerated' here may be a bit strong. If Rosenstein declined prosecution back in the day for whatever reason (including lack of evidence), that's not the same thing as being acquitted; it's not double jeopardy. However, more information on what actually happened is needed. Where it might become interesting is if Rosenstein declined to prosecute based on some deal that was made, which is somewhat common. I don't really do federal practice, but there are times you can get a so-called "no-pros" (not going to prosecute) letter from the US Attorney's office in conjunction with a plea deal somewhere else, or for providing very useful information on a bigger crime committed by someone else. For example, Joe Methhead gets caught transporting a kilo of meth across state lines. The US Attorney may not give a crap about prosecuting Joe, if he can give up good, solid, credible information (and testimony) on a meth superlab, and the people running it. Doesn't mean Joe was "exonerated", it just means they're not going to prosecute him for it.
  13. Maybe in 6 years she'll be able to put together a coherent thought.
  14. Just as long as they don't come from a planet called Houston, where all must kneel before Zod!
  15. I don't know what kind of !@#$ed up system we have where only facts relevant to the actual charges are heard!
  16. The investigation cannot end until a crime is invented found!
  17. The duty to retreat only goes so far as it being safe to do so. You have no duty to retreat when someone pulls a gun, as you're not outrunning the bullets. You do have a duty to retreat if someone pulls a knife on you from 30 feet away, and you have somewhere to go. You can only blow the bastard away if he advances on you as you are trying to retreat or if you are backed into a corner with no avenue of egress. Then there's the castle doctrine: You have no duty to retreat from your home or business.
  18. Will she wear a burka, so as to not offend her woke audience as she spouts meaningless (and stupid) drivel?
  19. He's... uh, just waiting to release everything for an October surprise. Yeah, that's it. An October surprise. Then Trump will be charged, impeached, beaten, drawn, quartered, executed, then removed from office. Hillary, through a surprise Constitutional Amendment, will be sworn in as president. Then we will have world peace, inexhaustible resources, and a pony!
  20. It's not like they have an actual platform to run on.
  21. So what if they aren't? They're not going to breach multiple contracts and end their business relationship with New Era over Russ Brandon.
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