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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yeah, I'd do her. I wouldn't give her my real name, address, or telephone number, but I'd hit the heck out of that.
  2. Yeah... you do understand that your posts didn't just magically go away, right? Oh wait, I forgot who I am talking to. Your posts finding 4 dead Americans hilarious did not go away, you !@#$ing dimwit.
  3. Tibs thought Benghazi was hilarious, it's no wonder why he's a Hillary fanboy. Though this Hillary-was-actually-a-patriot nonsense is quite entertaining.
  4. Would you prefer that I refer to the Clinton Foundation as what it really is: a corrupt criminal pay-to-play scam (otherwise known as a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization)?
  5. That's where a lot of people go wrong. They mistake countries having shared interests with being "friends".
  6. Well, considering that Putin gave her "charity" millions of dollars, and paid Bubba $500,000 to give a "speech", where do I sign up to be the victim of his "hate"?
  7. Yeah, but everyone knew Gary Johnson had no shot at winning.
  8. I think we need to spend tens of millions more dollars on a special investigatory team to dig up all of Trump's prior tweets. The tweets are hiding out there in plain sight where no one else can find them! #RESIST Duh, the collusion law!
  9. It's a damned Zionist conspiracy! Where are the pictures of them in love?!? Where are the pictures of them in Saudi Arabia!?!? What are the Jews trying to hide?!?! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneone
  10. Yet you felt the need to mention him, specifically...
  11. To paraphrase: Thurmal, when did you stop beating your wife? Your premise is, once again, flawed and idiotic. Own it.
  12. How is it off topic? The basic and nonsensical premise of your thread is so fundamentally flawed that it's laughable. As such, mocking this stupidity is clearly on-topic. However, it's interesting that you refuse to answer the simple question posed by Tom, which seems to be at the heart of your disingenuous little thread. That's why they need the debunked Russia narrative to make themselves feel good. They can't otherwise explain why they keep losing to a candied yam.
  13. Don't forget that Trump is not only a Nazi, but a literal actual super mecha-Hitler.
  14. You leave the system tonight, right now, and when you gone, you stay gone or you be gone. You lost all your Alpha Quadrant privileges.
  15. Yeah, but I wouldn't work very hard to get her into the sack.
  16. Are you kidding me? Who else, but a Klingon, is going to calm them mother!@#$ers down and have the Wolfe be there directly?
  17. I don't think they will be able to top my personal favorite excuse from the Gorsuch nomination: "We can't vote for him because he won't tell us how he's going to rule on cases!"
  18. Oops. Oh well, if the left keeps repeating their lies long enough, it will still be true.
  19. Yes, yes. We get it. You're about as "independent" as Nancy Pelosi. Not nearly as smart, but just as "independent". I don't know. He may go for the elusive "Triple dumbass on you!" play. So let me get this straight: Because Trump's a moron, that excuses you from being a barely-literate dumbass?
  20. Piss poor grammar and a nonsensical insult, all while calling everyone else "dumb". I love the left!
  21. Pretty sure they execute you for that now.
  22. That's just what the Bureau of Indian Affairs wants you to believe. WAKE UP!
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