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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Clearly the GOP is trying to suppress the graveyard voters.
  2. I think we need Colonel Ossman's take on this. Seems to me to be a clear Zionist conspiracy to attack "No Parking" signs at the Pentagon.
  3. This idiot's twitter feed really is a collection of "Dear Diary" nonsense.
  4. Wow, the barely-literate "independent" sure showed us! He even used the "t" word on us! I think I need my safe space, a mug of hot chocolate, a teddy bear to hug, a comfort/therapy animal, and a coloring book now!
  5. It was publicized that they were kicking him out, because he insulted Spain or some such nonsense. The new Ecuadorian government does not like him.
  6. I doubt he makes it more than 3 blocks from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London before committing suicide.
  7. While we cannot agree which party is the bigger pile of crap, at least we can all agree that you're a !@#$ing moron.
  8. So... he likes Ike?
  9. Do we need another "Gary is a kitty" thread?
  10. Well... she ain't wrong about the Democrats not having an actual message.
  11. You mean those heroes who heroically refused to be bullied by the deplorables into leaving their country following Trump's stolen Russian colluded victory (after promising to leave if he won)? They deserve purple hearts or something.
  12. Remember the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
  13. Didn't Nancy Pelosi somehow magically become a millionaire through her husband getting massive contracts, after she entered Congress?
  14. Judging from her shorts and her social media stupidity, I'm thinking that she's just looking for attention.
  15. Eh, I'd have to see the streaking video before I make a determination.
  16. I'm fairly certain Reuben Brown, to this day, still wants to kick his ass.
  17. Well... crap. Now I have to find a new Congresscritter to forget exists.
  18. Kirk couldn't even survive a little tumble down a steep cliff. Petard was a !@#$ing ballboy for Bjorn Borg.
  19. Those evil bastards! I'll be you that they even thawed out Charlton Heston to do the voice acting!
  20. Specifically the NRA giving him guns and teaching him how to kill people. Or something.
  21. Absolutely. So long as she doesn't go all Bobbitt on you.
  22. The crazy ones usually are. Just be prepared for the stalking, tire slashing, and child murder.
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