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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. There was your mistake. You gotta get'em with the hook first.
  2. He's won zero Super Bowls! A real coach would have won at least 3 by the end of their first season. That loser needs to go! Same with Allen, first round draft pick and the bust hasn't won a meaningful NFL game yet. Rabble rabble rabble.
  3. I don't see the problem. What could possibly go wrong getting into your rape van with the promise of free candy?
  4. Of course it does, because #resist.
  5. Which begs the question as to why you are posting in it.
  6. So bone spurs is a medical issue that didn't exist until 1968? You're a bigger !@#$ing idiot than Dexter.
  7. Dennison was no one's uncle (probably).
  8. Do you really not comprehend the concept of preseason?
  9. This. We can start calling him 'Champ' after he earns it. Though Uncle Rico has a certain appeal...
  10. At least we know she could pay for parking.
  11. Have fun at the show!
  12. What's the old joke? Grandpa was terrified of dying, because he didn't want to start voting Democrat.
  13. The 5 hour delay could be the result of any number of technical issues that needed to be worked out between the attorneys and the judge.
  14. Oh, so you're pro domestic violence? That's pretty low. Jim Jordan low, in fact.
  15. Trump can do it at any time, but for now it serves the best political theater to keep attacking the investigation via Twitter and surrogates. Drop the nuke in mid-October, just in time to expose the Democrats for the mid-term elections.
  16. So you're against the 1st Amendment now?
  17. Clearly this is how it happened:
  18. I'm sick and tired of mother!@#$ing Fantas on mother!@#$ing planes.
  19. 1 class at Community College, mother!@#$er! Yeah, for the Germans!
  20. You obviously have never been exposed to DC Tombot.
  21. Not chroming the barrels/chambers and using substandard ammo were big problems. My dad refused to carry one in Viet Nam. He carried a sawed off shotgun as his primary weapon. Apparently the VC did not like buck shot.
  22. So... would you call that 'fried Bologna'?
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