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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'll open my doors and protect Charlize Theron.
  2. All the left has to be, to beat Trump, is semi-rational and semi-sane. They just can't do it.
  3. You'll notice that there are NO PICTURES of Tom being a social libertarian! What's he trying to hide?!?
  4. So now you're taking Western European property ideas, mixing it with Nazi concepts of Blut und Boden, and now mindlessly adding in the American system? Can you at least keep this stupidity consistent?
  5. Wow, talk about proving his point for him...
  6. You didn't equate them. You went to an asinine example of "genocide". A really bad use of reductio ad absurdum is the tool of morons.
  7. Yes, Avenatti's constant squinting is truly terrifying. The sheen that comes off his bald head when he's challenged makes me want to defecate in my pants. Or something.
  8. Yes, of course murder and genocide is the exact same thing as forcible removal from your land. Clearly there is little to no difference between property rights (or the lack thereof) and murdering people. I can't possibly think of any reason why I would have ever been so silly to never consider murder and property rights on the same level. You're devil's advocate schtick has made me seen the light.
  9. According to your logic, the moment the land was taken, and the European concept of land ownership was introduced, the white Europeans became the rightful owners. The indigenous people cannot make an ownership claim prior to the concept of ownership.
  10. I'd do her. As for the reason for the arrest, I'd guess that the age of consent in Arizona is 18. In NY, this would be legal.
  11. I really hope he runs. It will be great watching that ambulance chaser run from the scrutiny of all of his unethical legal ventures.
  12. The Democrats know that. Step 1 is to get some sort of halfassed finding from a judge stating that they are entitled to the documents. Step 2 is to file for an injunction to prevent the Senate from voting on Kavanaugh until after the FOIA requests are met - in about two years. They're hoping that getting some liberal activist district court judge to issue an injunction that will take months to get overturned on appeal - months they think they can use to get control of the Senate. This is all about using every dirty trick they can think of to delay a confirmation vote until they can get a Senate majority and vote him down. It is not, and has never been about whether Judge Kavanaugh is a good jurist. Schumer couldn't care less about Kavanaugh - it's about #resisting actual literal super mecha-Hitler and getting himself more power. There's no way that any court case to delay the vote would actually survive past the District Court level; scheduling the vote is clearly a political question solely within the purview of the Senate leadership. The interesting thing is that, if they were to succeed, the Democrats may give Clarence Thomas exactly what he wants: a great case to use as a vehicle to eliminate the power of district court judges to issue sweeping injunctions. He has already been highly critical of whether or not a district court judge in one small jurisdiction has nationwide authority.
  13. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the biggest dipschiff of them all? My money's on gator. No one has yet to defeat him.
  14. So you're a leftist pretending to be a Republican? Good to know.
  15. I can't wait for Gator's "hold my beer" post to top this nonsense.
  16. If you're actually being serious, I would suggest that you read @Deranged Rhino's work over the past 18 months. His writings are fully sourced, and he freely admits when he is speculating. He's not an ultra right wing nut; he's just a regular Hollywood crackpot. The facts are out there, if you're actually willing to look at them.
  17. The evidence is certainly is not voluminous and staggering, if you completely ignore it by putting your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming "la la la can't hear you" loudly.
  18. This issue is not unusual in a high-profile case. Though, I'm never a fan of courts releasing juror name or contact information. If the jurors want to approach the press on their own, that's fine.
  19. I love how the "free press" has so innocently spun Trump's comment that 'fake news is the enemy of the people' into an attack on all journalists. It's almost like they're going out of the way to make themselves the story. Acosta should sue for gimmick infringement.
  20. The jury wanting the definition of reasonable doubt is a good sign for the defense.
  21. That comment is not mutually exclusive with the official statement. Brennan, as was outlined by both the official statement, and at length by @Deranged Rhino, took part in the lies that started the entire "collusion" fiasco. Simply adding more of Brennan's sins to the official statement does not change that. So yes, it's pretty !@#$ing stupid.
  22. To further the Zionist agenda, obviously.
  23. This shows a complete misunderstanding of the Constitution, a complete disregard of the actual facts of the Russian Collusion narrative, and is just really !@#$ing stupid. 1.) The President has the absolute authority to revoke security clearances. This is not even a question. There is no provision of law to allow the Congress to intervene. Brennan would be stupid to try to claim a 5th Amendment taking of a liberty interest in Court, as that would expose all his bullSchiff and lies to public scrutiny. It's not even realistic that he could make out a prima facie case. 2.) The President has the absolute right under the Constitution to issue pardons for any federal offense he wants and for any reason he wants. There is no provision of the Constitution for the Legislature or the Courts to review pardons. 3.) The "Russian election issue" has been pretty solidly debunked.
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