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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It's all thanks to Il Douche's enlightened leadership. Hell, he even commissioned a blue ribbon commission to put out a commission-approved report, backed by questionable science, which totally exonerates him from the murder of all them old folks.
  2. Just realized I never responded... and that I completely forgot about this group. WC3 remastered is pretty good. They actually modified some of the missions to be closer to the WoW-established lore. For example, Arthas gets to kill Anesterian Sunstrider as he defends the Sunwell during the mission to sack Quel'Thalas.
  3. Isn't your safe space discriminatory and racist against those who are not perpetually offended?
  4. So should I continue with my dissertation on how the single member district plurality mode of elections used in most states is horribly racist?
  5. He wasn't wrong, the Electoral College is a 'disaster for democracy.' Thankfully, we don't live in a democracy.
  6. How dare you use your systemic white privilege to call for the cancellation of a black man!
  7. Did that list say it was exhaustive? Or are you just trying to be a nonresponsive jackass for fun?
  8. So... it will be a different set of guards who conveniently fall asleep as she doesn't kill herself in her cell, as the camera trained on her cell mysteriously cuts out? On a side note, they're asking for a PREA lawsuit for aiming a camera into her cell.
  9. Only if he also shot fireballs out of his ass.
  10. It's funny, that for all the complaining by these SJW asshats about wanting unity, healing, equality, etc., they're readily jumping on the bandwagon of 'separate but equal'. We want unity, equality, fraternity, but also a separate black national anthem, and that no whites appropriate our separate and distinct culture!
  11. The baseball game episode still has one of my all-time favorite TV lines...
  12. Makes sense. No reason for them to be in the US if they can take classes online from whatever country they're from.
  13. You could actually understand that rant?
  14. Guess he should have lived in Georgia instead of Tennessee... Seriously, though, RIP to a great musician.
  15. They deserved to be fired. That's unsanitary.
  16. I believe it was fleas infesting the rats that were responsible for spreading it. Either way, still democrats.
  17. I can't wait until they transform my lifelong dream of getting paid a decent wage for being unwilling to work a reality.
  18. Can the media actually lie, when they're the self-appointed arbiters of what is true?
  19. Have you ever had to try to manage a $14,000,000 estate (that you didn't pay for) on Martha's Vineyard, WHILE trying to fulfill a $65,000,000 laundered money payoff book deal? It's not easy. Dude's too busy to worry about minor things like mass black-on-black violence in Chicago.
  20. If Biden wins, all talk of the Flu Manchu will drop from the media, and no one will care if a vaccine comes out. Unless you're protesting rioting. Then masks aren't needed, as you magically become immune.
  21. Don't forget, being orange makes you double - or date I say triple? - racist.
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