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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I really hope Lieawatha gets the Democrat nod in 2020. I would love to see Trump rip her stupid ass to shreds in the debates.
  2. Well, this is a bunch of ignorant bullschiff. You might want to try reading Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, chief.
  3. Well, I had to fit something in between Environmental Law and Sports Law.
  4. Cowing the masses is not the way to go. You have to maintain the facade of legitimacy and work to have the public trust the corrupt institutions you've implemented. Public violence should be used with kid gloves (with the real messages being sent behind the scenes.) People are less likely to question your benevolent rule, and more likely not to believe/join the opposition, if they have faith that you're working towards their best interests. Don't get me wrong, the odd show trial and public execution has its uses, but not for the popular opposition - that's how you create martyrs. Use show trials to over-inflate a lesser actor; one that people aren't emotionally invested in, and aren't likely to start a riot over. The message gets sent, while the true threats are quietly dealt with.
  5. Obviously, nothing in the charges directly implicates Trump. I did find it interesting that he sold the expenditures to Trump's company as a retainer, without an actual retainer agreement. It will be interesting to see what the unnamed executives knew or did not know about the services rendered by Cohen, whether they knew or did not know that no retainer agreement existed, and (of course) whether or not they knew that the money was a payoff.
  6. Accidents happen... coupled with a disinformation campaign to discredit them. If there's no actual link between the "accident" and the government, along with plenty of smearing of the deadite (such as a car "accident" coming while the conspirator was "drunk"), you're not going to forment as much outrage as an arbitrary public execution following a show trial.
  7. The prior Venezuelan leadership screwed up after they defeated the early 90's coup. They should have executed the plotters (including the #2 guy, Hugo Chavez), rather than exiling/jailing them. More of the story: Never leave the coup planners alive!
  8. Her sales aren't doing so well.
  9. I could see them retrying the hung count, if Manafort were acquitted of everything else. Drain his resources as he sits in solitary confinement. This is all about pressure and leverage to get him to do whatever they want (with a bit of '!@#$ you' thrown in).
  10. Tough call for the neighboring countries. Do you deny access, fortify your border, and let them to their fate, or do you accept them into your country, set up camps to warehouse them, and pay to feed them all with no real benefit to your country?
  11. Depends on what the verdicts are on the other counts. It would be a real slap in Mueller's face if he were acquitted of all but that hung count. However, it would be a waste of time to retry that hung count if he were convicted of some or all of everything else.
  12. He has no restrictions now. He's been blackballed by Hollywood, after he made enough money not to have to worry about working ever again - he doesn't have to give a !@#$.
  13. Hard to contrast yourself with Trump and pretend that you're the adult in the room when you're mewling like a petulant child.
  14. Not so much blackmail as bait. If she attacks Trump and drops enough hints about what she may or may not have recorded, Trump will respond to call her out/insult her - which puts her back to the top of the news cycle, which gets her more exposure and more pay to do more interviews to say nothing. It's almost a Kardashian-like cycle she is trying to build. Famous for being famous. Wouldn't surprise me if she was angling for her own reality show.
  15. So Brennan watched an interview where Brennan sided with Putin? Man, how drunk on Irish whiskey was he?
  16. What does this have to do with common law? The article even explicitly states this is based on the statute: As for pining for a civil law system, leave that **** for cheese eating surrender monkeys like the !@#$ing French.
  17. Damn you Mel Brooks, you Zionist purveyor of Jew Bee Dance disinformation!
  18. C'mon man, he has a crackpot website with circled pictures backing him up! Circled. Pictures. You only come to the table with common sense, physics, and a crapton of industrial experience.
  19. Mere breadcrumbs!
  20. So Tom, be honest. Is the Jew Bee dance to put a Mossad hit on someone complicated, or is it: Two-three-kick-turn! Turn-turn-kick-turn?
  21. Well, the news is cyclical...
  22. Well, that would fit in with the description:
  23. Damn, she can sexually assault me for a mere $100,000. She needs to shop around more.
  24. Duh, the guy with the pen and the phone!
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