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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Interesting. Using the 'R' word is not very progressive of you. I'd ask you if you were ashamed of yourself, if I thought you actually had any sense of pride, decency, morality, intelligence, reason, or had working testicles...
  2. Oh no, the dreaded "double dumbass on you" defense!
  3. Desperation... with strong undertones of dumbass.
  4. Why would he do that? He might accidentally read something that changes his widdle feewings.
  5. Oh cut the crap, you're not going to support Trump no matter what he does. Just admit it and move on.
  6. Because Colonel Ossman of the Mossad would have showed him pictures of Sophia Loren in Australia and transmitted Zionist instructions via the Jew Bee Dance to commence the invasion of Iran by sending hypersonic Boeing 767 cruse missiles at "No Parking" signs around Tehran.
  7. Yes, especially the younger, cheaper one.
  8. I really dislike when these politicians are clearly and permanently incapable of doing their jobs (McCain, Ted Kennedy, Gabby Giffords, etc.), and refuse to resign from Congress. They are doing their constituents a grave disservice by not representing them for months/years on end.
  9. Newsweek is not media. It's not really even news.
  10. Uncultured barbarian.
  11. 1.) It's a legally dubious theory premised on Cohen using his money to pay them off for silence, which "contributed" to Trump's campaign, as the revelations may have possibly affected his campaign. Of course, it does not address that the repayment as "legal fees" came from Trump's business, not Trump himself, or the Trump campaign. 2.) Nothing. The US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York is prosecuting it, based upon a referral from dirt that Mueller's monkeys dug up.
  12. Crap, I had Goering in the study with the candlestick.
  13. Even if the Democrats were to win every single Senate set up for election, they still wouldn't have enough votes to remove Trump if he were impeached by the House. Unless something really wacky happens (like he shoots someone on 5th Avenue while singing the Russian national anthem), you're not going to get any Senate GOP support for removal.
  14. Oh lordy, we gots us prediction number 142,038,273 that Trump's reign of terror is finally going to end!
  15. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that no one is afraid of Michal (or even Michael) Avenatti.
  16. Hasn't President Cheeseburger been out of office since 2001? Now, if he were referring to President KFC, who is still in office.
  17. Only 4 more years until he hits puberty.
  18. Don't mock the Black Mamba 5000x-1 Turbo.
  19. Because double-tap suicides happen on their own.
  20. You need to clearly demonstrate facts of Trump being impeached to my satisfaction. Be sure to provide primary sources in your research. Go ahead, I'll wait.
  21. So you make a stupid statement that I definitively show to be false, so now I have to prove facts of something I couldn't care less about to your satisfaction? !@#$ off with this nonsense.
  22. Interesting question. I'm not sure what could happen. Cohen's plea, I presume, was found to be knowing, intelligent, and voluntary. I suppose Cohen could use a potential payoff to later reverse the conviction. Though, an interesting side note: Cohen would have been automatically disbarred upon entering a plea of guilty to a felony. As in, he is no longer an attorney. Were he to start running his mouth and violating attorney-client privileges, there is not a whole lot that could be done to him (he is already disbarred.) While nothing he says (or is derived from what he says) would ever be usable in court, as the privilege belongs to the client, not the attorney, he certainly could go make statements in the media - regardless of whether he is telling the truth.
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