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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The throw was pretty spectacular. Not impressed with the forearm/elbow strike by the small cop. Didn't really seem to hit anyone solidly.
  2. From the other guys' position, I would guess they were trying to do that stupid-ass double stomp (while the victim hangs in an easily-escapable awkward position during the crowd pandering) move that Alberto Del Rio was using as a finisher for a time. Not sure if the diver forgot what the spot was, or (based on the wobble before he dove) couldn't recover his balance enough to perform the move safely and went for a dive where he wasn't going to hurt his opponent.
  3. Eh, if you're going to get stoned, tortured, beheaded, etc. anyhow, you might as well earn it.
  4. Clearly he's a Zionist. You'll notice he never produced pictures of the bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia, or Sophia Lauren in Australia! Someone should check into Greggy's defense industry portfolio on September 10, 2001.
  5. Yeah, !@#$ing with Philly PD is generally not a smart idea.
  6. Can we have sharks with fricken laser beams in the moat?
  7. Judging from your posts, I find that unlikely. It seems that you missed the part about uranium enrichment via centrifuge when you took your little correspondent's course in nuclear physics. You are aware that uranium and plutonium are not the same thing, right?
  8. This is just about as classy as McCain 'disinviting' Trump to the funeral. Austin 3:16?
  9. That's an interesting thought. Would the mullahs bait the US into attacking Iran, so they can rally the flag to 'protect' the citizens (before those citizens behead the theocracy)?
  10. Iran's own statements show that they were not abiding by the agreement. If they had been following the agreement, they would not be able to go back to full uranium enrichment within a matter of weeks.
  11. Nonsense spewed for domestic consumption. Those idiots know we would annihilate their ability to control even a mud puddle within a day.
  12. The Pope should grow a pair and excommunicate these Cho Mos.
  13. The hysterics are still a bonus. Just look at 34's latest fit of stupidity. Quite entertaining as he flails about.
  14. So... would this be the ultimate 'rage quit'? Too soon?
  15. I say no, because of the o-line. Let him sit and learn. Play him when the line is ready. While they will be doing more shotgun formations during the season to cover for the line, the line still sucks donkey balls in pass protection.
  16. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and render unto God what is God's... or die mother!@#$er!"
  17. You mean left under the oil field somewhere...
  18. When did they ever have the moral high ground? Both parties are full of immoral jackwagons.
  19. Don't waste your time; he's not gong to look at it. He admits he is here just to troll.
  20. Nope, you're definitely a scared B word.
  21. Yes, you come here every few months, say stupid things, get ceaselessly mocked for it, then run away like the scared little B word that you actually are.
  22. This thread has shaken me. If it turns out that, despite 40+ years of proof that he's been a unfaithful rich playboy, he's an unfaithful rich playboy, I just don't know what I will do. I think I need to consult Charlie Sheen and Wilt Chamberlain's ghost, to get their views on Trump's alleged lack of fidelity.
  23. That doesn't matter, just like the booming economy doesn't matter. Trump is evil, literally SuperMechahHitler. He's going to doom us all, kill all the blacks and women, get us into nuclear war with East Timor and piss on the ashes of our country, because he beat Hillary!
  24. Lots of people go to college for 7 years!
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