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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. As Republicans, they are probably going to eat the baby anyhow.
  2. He strikes me more as a bangers & mash guy, with TWO scoops of spotted dick for dessert.
  3. Looks like German Hillary's Canadian girlfriend doesn't want to be left out in the cold. Hopefully he will have better glue on his prosthetic eyebrows for this news conference.
  4. Yeah, but are any of them advanced degrees in history? Or just that useless crap like physics?
  5. Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of Trump's pen and phone.
  6. Wow, what a piece of ****.
  7. Counting when he raided his home town as a British Brigadier General?
  8. So you tried to turn over control of West Point to Major Andre for a commission in the British Army? You bastard! As for your Alexander The Great delusion, I'll bet that the Gordian Knot stumped you. No rule of Asia for you!
  9. My understanding of the difficulty in wiping out the entire Iranian "Navy" is that they can hide the bulk of their fast attack swarm/missile boats in any number of the hundreds of coves and inlets around the Persian Gulf, making them harder to track down and destroy before they can attempt to do some damage. In open water, though, they're !@#$ed.
  10. The Bills-logo table and bar stools are nifty.
  11. Not a fan of turning Braun overtly heel. He should be used as more of a force of nature, neither heel nor face. Let the crowd boo or cheer his antics, but keep the character as an aggressive monster.
  12. Maybe the 'belligerence' was due to the North Korean's Irish temper.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-called-off-pompeos-north-korea-visit-belligerent-035550400.html Interesting. The 'belligerent letter' came first from a 'former' official. I wonder if Lil' Kim is facing an internal coup from those who aren't interested in peace (and the subsequent loss of power when they can't rule through fear).
  14. Clearly they didn't post enough signs announcing the 'gun-free zone'.
  15. Yeah, Hillary losing was all part of the plan! Seriously, that's what you dipschiffs are going with now?
  16. Clearly your mastery of the Constitution and United States Code rivals your mastery of the English language.
  17. ...Corruption, and the NFTA.
  18. Yeah, like you have any clue what the emoluments clause is.
  19. You mean the ones who were caught lying? Nah.
  20. It's his fault that Wood and Incognito are no long with the Bills. Apparently you can coach talent into the replacements, which he is refusing to do. Losing the most talented 40% of your offensive line is a coaching issue. Or something.
  21. The Senate will have to ratify it, so we can know what's in it.
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