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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, gator just admitted that they have nothing without Trump testifying. Everything goes when #resisting the actual literal super mecha-Hitler. Of course that whole probable cause/due process/bill of rights nonsense doesn't apply. Why? Making him look stupid relieves boredom.
  2. No, I think you should be held to your own standard. If we're forcing judges to recuse based on who appointed them, then it goes both ways. You know, justice and all. The vast majority of Americans agree with me that you're a moron, though.
  3. It's more like say that you're a moron. Do you know that you're a moron?
  4. Yeah, it's really not. That's fair. Just as long as every judge who was appointed by a Democrat also recuse themselves.
  5. You apparently didn't pay attention from 2009-2017. Obama even threw Fox News out of the White House Press Pool because he didn't like what they said about him, until CNN and some other major networks threatened to walk. The Bushes and Clinton also whined about the media. This is not a new development. You might say that this is a historical issue.
  6. The author likely doesn't know the difference. Without looking at the actual legislation (which I have zero interest in doing so), it's hard to say one way or the other. However, if the criteria is "based" in CA, then everyone's 'headquarters' just moved to a PO Box in Vegas.
  7. Sounds like Delaware is going to have a lot more corporations registered under its laws very soon.
  8. Controlling the media narrative has been a goal of every president ever. How is it authoritarian? As for the latter statement, I agree that Congress isn't broken. It's working within the bounds of the Constitution... inefficient and lazy.
  9. What authoritarian desires? Most everything he's unilaterally done is an attempt to get Congress to do their !@#$ing job.
  10. Not the first time that some black !@#$ racebaiter on ESPN's First Take has questioned the blackness of someone who wasn't "down with the cause". https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/rob-parker-calls-rg3-a-cornball-brother-says-hes-not-one-of-us/
  11. Eh, her face is alright. I'd have to see a picture of her holding a fish before I can make a final determination.
  12. This would be the same FBI who cleared Hillary of any wrongdoing before they actually began their investigation, right?
  13. Makes sense, I guess. They could just work out deals with local producers... would actually be a great built-in marketing campaign.
  14. I've heard that they don't want to expand outside the west/southwest areas of the country. Don't know why; the opportunities are certainly there. Honestly, though, if I could pull it off, I'd put a Waffle House in Geneseo. That would be a license to print money.
  15. Two things: 1.) We are not going to be replaced as the top dog anytime in the near future. We always have the leverage to tell the other nation to piss off, with the other nation feeling as much, if not far more, pain than we feel from walking away. 2.) Other nations aren't likely going to play the !@#$ you game with us in the future, if we strike deals that are fair for both sides. Trump isn't wrong that we have been taking the **** end of trade deals for decades, and that the other countries damn well know it.
  16. Don't monkey it up with Uncle Joe quotes. Too soon?
  17. I don't care about the Christian thing, I boycott In-N-Out because those cocksuckers won't build one (or more) in WNY!
  18. I'm more of a brah, bro. Are you a brah?
  19. Nothing stopping you from doing that in the winter. kitty.
  20. Yeah, but that's only like $45,000,000 to $50,000,000 after taxes. Poor guy.
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