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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. That's why I would want to see the requirement that the budget be balanced every so often, so they cannot get too far out of whack without having to make the politically painful cuts. As for emergencies, they may have to be spelled out. "We can't afford Social Security this year because we spent too much" is not an emergency. Hurricanes flattening Puerto Rico and flooding Houston are.
  2. No expense must be spared when it comes to the comfort of government employees taking a crap while on the job!
  3. Yes. Twice if I don't have to hear either one talk.
  4. I would absolutely agree with this. In fact, I would in favor of a Constitutional Amendment requiring that the budget be balanced every X number of years, and that any deficits in between be within Y% of actual money taken in, absent an actual emergency (natural disaster, plague, famine, war, etc. - not an emergency based on spending stupidly.)
  5. Yeah, interesting how tax cuts work: The people who pay the taxes get the benefit. Mind blowing, for sure. Tax cuts are still not "welfare", unless you subscribe to the asinine (and completely unamerican) theory that the government owns all labor and money.
  6. So using draft picks to get what they think is a stud QB and a stud MLB for the next 10-15 years doesn't make sense to you? Here's a clue: You never know what you're getting in the draft. Waiting until next year is stupid if you have the ammo to get guys you like this year. You know, ammo to move around that they aren't going to have in 2019.
  7. Funny that Boss Hogg is no longer getting interviewed or given air time. It's almost like the narrative has passed him by.
  8. I love how not taxing a company out of business is somehow considered "welfare" by the dipschiffs on the left.
  9. I honestly don't know how anyone can live on $60,000+ per year, with a 180ish day work year.
  10. #IMPEACH #RESIST We must stop literal super mecha-Hitler from destroying the planet with this warmongering peace stuff! Oh and women too, he wants to kill women by nominating literal super mecha-Goering to the Supreme Court!
  11. Of course it doesn't work for her; she doesn't feast until Bubba is done with them. Extreme spoilage.
  12. If Vince is going to go with law enforcement angles, could they pleaseuse local/NXT talent that at least look like cops? I won't even get into how terrible looking those costumes were.
  13. Yeah, Washington would be horrified that the Russians posted facebook ads!
  14. In fairness, the asshats suffering from TDS do understand negotiation. They hold their hands out, cry about fair shares, and demand free everything rather than actually earning a living.
  15. Disrespectful and completely offensive. I'm sure gator is laughing his ass off at this one.
  16. Well, he was ambitious and black... Probably uppity as well.
  17. My morning bowel movement is an act of war to North Korea. Their bluster alone isn't anything to take seriously.
  18. And that is why 8 years of Trump is going to be great. Liberal tears taste fantastic, and no one makes you idiots cry faster than Trump on twitter.
  19. Manslaughter is appropriate. Nothing in the public facts would tend to support a murder charge (that's without caring enough to look up Texas murder statutes). The family is going to B word and try to raise a firestorm regardless of what happens. Hell, they're already bitching, screaming, and claiming cover-up because the Rangers want a few days to investigate before getting an arrest warrant. Will be interesting if she had drugs in her system. I can't imagine how she could have walked into another apartment thinking it was her own. Did she not notice that it wasn't her stuff there when she went through the open door (which is an interesting detail they released, as it sets up the defense that she believed it was a home invasion)?
  20. Now now, we mustn't be insensitive to those who commit suicide by mugging themselves or shooting themselves in the back of the head twice. Suicide is a serious thing, and those poor people were simply in the way couldn't face their demons.
  21. Oh, I'm sure it's just projection. I mean the guy who references himself 100 times in a tone-deaf speech certainly isn't a narcissist.
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