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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Which is good, because it's doubtful that Putin has the resources to pursue aggression against one of the most technologically advanced militaries on the planet, so far from his home soil. Well, that and it's bad for arms sales for your products to get annihilated on the battlefield.
  2. I would add (somewhere between "Show up" and "Tell your story"): - Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
  3. You probably shouldn't have been asking the follow-up question of "Would ya?" in the teacher's lounge.
  4. Has St. John risen from the dead yet? I have a party this weekend, and need a few gallons of water turned into wine.
  5. Yes, but they're tucked away with the bin Laden family pictures taken in Saudi Arabia.
  6. Her testimony is going consist of answering the softball questions from the Democrats about Kavanaugh attempting to rape her, her fear of Kavanaugh, and all of the mental damage he caused her. She will then have convenient memory lapses whenever a GOP senator asks questions about details.
  7. I'll do you one better: Consent can be retroactively withdrawn, making the encounter rape after-the-fact.
  8. It's unfair and cruel to re-victimize the victims by making them prove that they're actually victims decades after they were victimized. The burden should rest solely on the accused to prove a negative beyond all possible doubt.
  9. Sure, if you ever actually manage to form a thought.
  10. Take it up with CBS then. I'm sure you know more than they do.
  11. She should definitely be impeached. Oh wait, she didn't win!
  12. Before or after she wiped them, like, with a cloth.
  13. Clear evidence that McDermott and Beane's process causes injuries and mental illness!
  14. Aww, how cute. Gator and Gary-the-potential-sex-abuser are trying very hard to derail the thread.
  15. You're giving backhanded "compliments" and are properly being called out on it. You point to one decision, which - by the way - was discussed by the announcers. The Chargers' kicker sucks. They have no confidence in him hitting 50+ yard field goals, and played the field position game instead. The Chargers weren't laying up at any point prior to taking a knee in the 4th quarter. Interesting how the ball keeps moving up every time you reference the punt decision by Lynn.
  16. You're trying to qualify the Bills defense looking much better in the second half, and being completely disingenuous about it. You damn well know that the Chargers weren't "protecting the lead" when they went 3-and-out several times to start the second half.
  17. What a load of crap. They did not take "their foot off the gas" at halftime.
  18. About 4 posts ago. Do you need your therapy animal yet?
  19. He's too busy ruining the economy with tax cuts and trade wars to start shooting wars or fire people.
  20. Still hasn't been resolved following the armistice in 1953. Or are you talking about the 3rd Korean War that Trump was supposed to start?
  21. Of course it was calculated for maximum impact and disruption. This Ford lady isn't a 'victim' to the Democrats - she's a prop. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet the swamp cannot figure out why people are disgusted with them.
  22. The Charger player dropped his head and used the crown of his helmet as a weapon. You can't get much dirtier than that. He intended to injure Jones - there's really no other explanation (regardless of whether or not Jones had lost his helmet a few seconds earlier.) That player should have been ejected from the game.
  23. I guess you'll have to take that up with Joe Biden. It was his rule, after all.
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