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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. What movie? Is he allowing concession stand privileges?
  2. Word has it that he's a sexual predator, so it's not surprising he keeps popping up.
  3. They should stick the FBI Police on it! As a side note, I love how they all "heard about it", even though Ford claimed she never said anything until decades later.
  4. Are you excluding Bubba and Cooter now?
  5. Well, crap. How is the DOJ going to hide paying $70,000 for a conference table now?!? If that's not national security, what is???
  6. I found it interesting that the Chinese significantly softened their retaliation measures. They couldn't ignore Trump's increase without losing face/legitimacy, but they're trying to do it in a way to avoid Trump's threat of 25% tariffs. Seems to me that they're trying to signal that they're willing to negotiate, without looking weak.
  7. If there were ever a national catastrophe/zombie apocalypse, the first place I'm going to loot is the local farm supply store. I'm going to grab as many packages of seeds as I can, while everyone fights at the grocery store over the last can of lima beans. 6-8 weeks later, they'll be calling me King Koko78 (or the peasants can starve to death)!
  8. 17 years later and those ~3,000 men and women are still selling the narrative!
  9. You're right. I do tend to overestimate the average liberal's ability to think.
  10. He never claimed Clinton wasn't impeached.
  11. There's exactly as much evidence of that as there is of Ms. Ford's rather ridiculous story that he attempted to rape her at some unspecified date, time, and location 35ish years ago. Not really. Ford overplayed Feinstein's hand. Before she came forward, the Democrats could keep teasing the 'anonymous' letter and release more details as it became convenient to put pressure on Grassley/McConnell to delay the vote - while also giving political cover for the Democrat Senators at risk of being ousted in November to not vote for Kavanaugh. The dingbat coming forward gave the GOP someone to investigate, someone whose credibility could be challenged, and gave Grassley someone to invite to be heard and questioned by the committee. When Ford refuses to appear on Monday, her story is dead in the water.
  12. If they have it, why not keep it in reserve and use it for maximum impact (once an idiot like Feinstein falls into the trap)? Beat the Democrats at their own game.
  13. !@#$ Merkel. She can just employ some Muslim refugees to compensate for the massive loss of revenue if any of the US military bases close.
  14. We should impeach Hillary. As the "People's President" who won the "popular vote", she has done nothing to improve the lives of ordinary Americans. Her administration is run by "feckless cunts" who haven't advanced one piece of legislation; proposed, adopted or changed one regulation; and she has not signed one bill into law.
  15. Wow, I hope this is true. This Ford broad will be annihilated under oath, and every single Democrat on the committee will look like even bigger fools (if that's even possible.) Hopefully this would be the nail in Feinstein's coffin - let the even loonier liberal unseat her.
  16. Judge Kavanaugh, do you now, or have you ever, listened to Tom Petty?
  17. Seems legit. The golddigger whackjob has been a font of truth since she began home invasion story.
  18. In a world where "double dumbass pork chop on you" is an acceptable lefty retort, why not corrupt transparency?
  19. Well, so long as you're standing by with the blue dress on...
  20. You can pull out whenever you want.
  21. They're recruited for being a victim, not for being terribly bright.
  22. Get that man a cigar!
  23. Well, word has it that Gary may be a sexual predator. He has yet to prove he is not, so it appears that, by the laws of #metoo, the allegations stand and he is guilty.
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