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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Amazing how that tweet no longer exists.
  2. She can commit “Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse" against me anytime.
  3. The comments are hysterical. It's like watching Gator arguing with Dexter.
  4. I believe you were the one who said he was convicted. I suggest you read the Federalist Papers #69. The founding fathers, specifically Alexander Hamilton, disagree with you. It was their pretty clear intent that impeachment was the remedy for a sitting president, with criminal liability only attaching once he is removed from office. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed69.asp
  5. Quite the opposite. Had he retired halfway through the game, there would be no child.
  6. Reminds me of a time, a few years ago, that a spate of people suddenly developed a crippling fear of taking a bus, therefore they couldn't get to court for their criminal cases, as directed.
  7. I am clearly missing something. How is establishing a humanitarian medical air bridge to get the sick and injured out of a war zone making the UN complicit in what the Houthis are doing?
  8. I'm going to hold a press conference next week. I have information that McCoy may have created the ebola virus in his biological weapons lab. I have heard from other mad scientists that he created similar biological weapons. I know that he is the person behind this! I am offering 40,000 Iranian Rials for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible, whomever they are, even though I just said it was McCoy.
  9. Great, she's done as a Senator.
  10. We'll set up a gofundme page for you. You need all the financial assistance you can get to make it through your trauma.
  11. They're trying to use this Ford nonsense to give vulnerable Senators like McCaskill political cover not to vote for Kavanaugh. It won't work. If she has any political sense, she knows she's done if she opposes his nomination.
  12. I'd be ok with Kavanaugh testifying first. Ask him his hat size, thank him politely for his testimony, then call the B word to testify. When she's done, recall him to rebut her nonsense.
  13. I'm actually ok with this. It will show how utterly stupid the Democrats are, and assure Trump's 2020 re-election. They'll never have enough votes to convict in the Senate, after a very public trial where no actual proof will be presented.
  14. Clearly a man who has never played golf...
  15. Just check the voters rolls in November. They'll all be voting solidly Democrat.
  16. Well, since the deep state primarily consists of bureaucrats... how is that hard to believe? Have you ever dealt with a bureaucracy? "All powerful and incompetent" pretty much sums up every bureaucrat ever.
  17. Dude, have some respect for the man!
  18. Well, we're going to need a midget, 4 traffic cones, a porcelain tea set, 6 bowling pins, and a set of zip ties...
  19. Figured you could kill two birds with one stone...
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