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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Clear to me that the Russian's engineered this "accident", on behalf of President Trump, to prevent her, through intimidation, from making statements against Trump Jr. Pretty conclusive evidence of collusion, obstruction, and collusion. Hillary was supposed to win, dammit!
  2. I love the comments shredding that unfunny hack. Especially the lady who posted this:
  3. There isn't much the state can do other than maybe try to level some civil penalties against the businesses. Good luck proving it without using tainted evidence (or looking completely stupid at trying to prove that Donald Trump wasn't declaring income at age 3.)
  4. That's the point: deterrence. Let them register for life. Let their address be published. Let the communities they reside in all be sent notices that they, a registered sex offender, are moving in. Let them register their email accounts and social media accounts. Accusing someone falsely of a sex offense is a damned serious thing. Anyone remember the Duke Lacrosse team? That B word tried to ruin (and almost succeeded) multiple lives. For what? It was damned lucky that one of the accused players was able to conclusively prove he was on the other side of the city at the time of the supposed rape. Whatever good #metoo has done to embolden actual victims to speak out (and heal) is undermined by vindictive pieces of Schiff who are abuse the process for pettiness such as attention or revenge.
  5. If you actually listen to his comments - in context (I know that's hard), he was straddling the fence. But hey, why let that ruin the lie. Your liberal masters have spoken, and must not be questioned or confronted with minor things like context. As a side note, Trump also clarified: “I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place”.
  6. The other impracticality is that, without a confession, it would be almost impossible to prove. Especially when the accusation is made weeks or months (or 36 years) after the alleged incident.
  7. I think proven liars should face the same sentence and sex offender restrictions as those they falsely accuse. Unfortunately, the counter-argument to wanting stiff penalties for liars is that it will scare legitimate victims into not reporting, out of fear of both their attackers and of being imprisoned if no one believes them. It will never happen.
  8. So, in other words, he's looking an 8-10 point swing against him in the polls if he votes against Kavanaugh.
  9. If that comes to pass, every second will be well deserved.
  10. She knows she's not going to win. No reason for her to vote for him, when she can buff her credentials for her next party job by #resisting.
  11. I mock them relentlessly.
  12. Don't worry. I have full faith that Chief Justice Roberts will become the swing vote - just like he was when he saved that abortion Obamacare.
  13. I'm a yes. She's a larger woman who, I would guess based on her !@#$ing 15 year olds, has low self esteem. She will likely be down for anything.
  14. Years ago, I had a case where a guy was charged with giving underage people Bud Light. I almost got the prosecutor to agree to having the judge take judicial notice (basically a finding that something is an indisputable fact) that Bud Light was not alcohol.
  15. Mr. Avenatti has just released a statement that he has been contacted by several other ice cubes who were at other bars in the area. They heard about the ice cube that Kavanaugh aggressively held in a sexual manner before throwing, and are willing to testify about the hearsay they heard years later. He has sent repeated requests to the FBI Police and Federal Reserve to investigate, but they irrationally refuse to talk to his clients using a pre-prepared list of approved questions. He simply cannot believe that his investigative advice has been ignored. Oh, he also asks everyone to respect the privacy of the ice cubes, but here is their names, addresses, phone numbers, and email information - if anyone has any further questions.
  16. Personally, I can't wait until @DC Tom's defense stock portfolio on 9-10-2001, and role in the Mossad-led Jew Bee Dance conspiracy are revealed for all to see. Maybe then we can get the truth as to why the Zionists, led by Colonel Ossman bin Laden used a hypersonic cruse missile to attack a 'No Parking' sign at the Pentagon.
  17. Did you miss the part where they were talking about the entire state - and about professional jobs, not minimum wage jobs in the city of Seattle? Oh who am I kidding? Of course you did. Reading isn't your thing.
  18. Wow, Tibs misrepresenting an article he didn't read. Color me shocked. So tell us all, dipschiff, which of these in-demand jobs are paid minimum wage?
  19. Ah, Baskin. Different name, same lowlife piece of schiff poster.
  20. Well, that explains the NY Times hit piece complaining that he's rich.
  21. You're wasting your time arguing with that nitwit. He's never going to read source material - especially if he knows it will conflict with the narrative or today's DNC talking points.
  22. Yeah, that's not what he said. Keep selling the lie, though.
  23. More likely her attorneys just want to waste time and claim that the investigation is tainted because either a.) the FBI didn't interview her thoroughly enough; or b.) the FBI didn't interview her at all.
  24. Well, it seems that the FBI investigation is good for Kavanaugh. Feinstein wouldn't want to keep it confidential otherwise. Well, when he is making out the check, he should keep in mind that my very best friends call me Cash.
  25. Who do you think funded production of The Apprentice?
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