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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Then watch the liberal heads explode... again.
  2. So the Republicans having a majority directly elected in the House of Representatives - the only portion of the government that was ever meant to be directly elected by the people - is "fundamentally unfair"? That the Republicans have a majority in the Senate, now directly elected by the people, is "fundamentally unfair"? All because Hillary got more meaningless "popular" votes in an election that has never, ever, been decided by a popular vote? Your lack of understanding of the US government is going far beyond sheer stupidity. You're rapidly approaching Gator territory with this idiocy. However, with that said, please continue. Liberal tears taste so good, especially on a glorious day like today.
  3. This nonsense will end very badly for these "protesters". They will !@#$ with the wrong person eventually.
  4. Everything is ok when you're using it to fight actual literal super mecha nazis.
  5. It wasn't. The Democrats started to revolt against FDR, so he dropped it. The Constitution does not specify the number or makeup of federal courts (including the Supreme Court.) It's up to Congress to legislate how many district courts, circuit courts and supreme court justices there are.
  6. The fact that you continue to analyze the electoral college by individual votes shows that you really don't understand the US Constitution at all.
  7. Let the House Democrats impeach whomever they want. The Democrats will never get enough Senate votes to remove either Kavanaugh or Trump. The only thing they will accomplish is to look even more loony and irrational.
  8. For your listening pleasure:
  9. Congratulations. You have shown a complete ignorance of how our republic functions.
  10. What the !@#$?!?
  11. At this point, I wouldn't put it past the Democrats to have those Senators lie out their asses about confirming him, just to lay one last dirty trap to derail the confirmation.
  12. Absolutely amazing how unaware these people are of their own bullschiff. Hopefully the GOP isn't stupid enough to fall for this obvious trap.
  13. We should all take a moment to thank these liberal dumb!@#$s. They've already ensured that the GOP keeps the Senate, and they will guarantee Trump victory in 2020.
  14. I hope Rice does run. There's a lot of questions that she isn't going to want asked. The other parts.
  15. Dude, you might want to read this before declaring $15 a great thing. http://www.thedailynewsonline.com/bdn06/confer-column-is-amazons-wage-increase-all-its-cracked-up-to-be-20181005
  16. It's amazing how the progressives commenting on Jamelle Bouie's tweet are going to great lengths to justify her dishonesty.
  17. Trump is hurting Eurpoean workers! You'll notice that the Russians are not impacted by this awful trade-ending move! COLLUSION! IMPEACH HIM NOW!!!1111
  18. Oh, since this was staged, has John Kerry been seen there throwing other people's medals away in protest?
  19. It takes a special kind of stupid to commit crimes while your buddy takes pictures/video of you committing said crime.
  20. Actually, a great many, if not most, Supreme Court decisions are 9-0/8-1/7-2. They just aren't widely reported, because they're non controversial resolutions to splits between the circuits on minor things.
  21. Well, according to the liberal histrionics, the Court is going to kill women, outlaw minorities, kill female minorities, institute a police state, kill minorities, and exterminate all grandmothers. Or something.
  22. In unrelated news, Yale University announced today that, due to budget cutbacks, one librarian position has been eliminated.
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