Shouldn't we fire Beane first? Then cut everyone? Or do we force Mr. Pegula to sell the team go before firing Beane, the coaches, the players, and the night janitorial staff?
I can never remember!
What a moron. All he had to do was say something to the effect of, "I believe Dr. Ford, but I disagree with how the Senate Democrats handled her coming forward. If elected, I will not pull such shenanigans that delegitimize the trauma, courage, and strength of sexual abuse survivors who step up and publicly share what happened to them."
We all know that the cure for global warming is to spend trillions of US taxpayer dollars for global wealth redistribution. Once everyone has equal money, we can address the real problem: cow farts!
Rosenstein is officially a monster?!? Only monsters and actual literal super mecha-hitler nazis have two scoops, and I don't see no swastika on his arm!
Well, if he "proves" his "impartiality" by ruling against Trump, it will all go away.
I'm shocked that USA Today ran that column. However, the guy isn't wrong - especially about the "legal scholars" turning on a dime. Full-time law professors rarely have any actual experience handling cases as an attorney.
In fact, when I went to law school, the full-time professor on staff with the most experience as a lawyer worked for a law firm for about 5 years back in the early 70's. The practitioner-taught classes were far more useful.
I have full confidence that not only will the Court bring back slavery, but it will also revert women back to the status of property. Marital rape will be allowed once again, and rape shield laws will be voided.
I'm going to guess that the author is talking about the Court not forcing people to pay unions to engage in political activities they don't want to support, as a condition of their employment.
How is one representative per ~800,000 people unfair?
Please show your work, and use reality in your explanation. Oh, and if you want to cry about gerrymandering, please explain how the system in Illinois is fair.
Why would she pursue it? It's a loser issue with no evidence, and she no longer has "free" attorneys to pursue frivolities for her. The Democrats have dropped her like a bad habit by now.