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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Damn, Cocaine Mitch and SuperChuck Grassley are playing for keeps.
  2. Clearly he's unfit for the nation's highest court.
  3. Kavanaugh kills women though COBRA's Dick Cheney's Weather Dominator! I'll bet you he's a THREE scoops of ice cream kinda Justice.
  4. It's amazing that hurricanes didn't exist before global warming climate change became settle science through consensus. I'm guessing that the 1900 Galveston, Texas hurricane was just a media hoax, since global warming climate change wasn't a thing back then.
  5. The interesting thing is to see whether or not they can keep that enthusiasm up for the next 3.5 weeks.
  6. I know, it's undemocratic to have unelected judges rule over cases!
  7. I'd really like to see them split the 9th Circuit into 2 or 3 more. Liberal heads would explode. I'm not really kidding, there is a real need to split that Circuit up. It's far too big a geographical area with way too much population to be an effective appellate court.
  8. She is wearing the correct amount of PPE.
  9. Give it another year or two - then the gender discrimination lawsuits start.
  10. That particular case is quite funny in historical context. The person who !@#$ed up getting the commissions served was the prior Secretary of State - John Marshall. The same John Marshall who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and decided the case that started with him !@#$ing up.
  11. Ok, I'm missing something. Who the !@#$ is this guy, and what the hell is he going on about?
  12. Putin, thus proving collusion!
  13. I'm sure he's just announcing the long-awaited war with Best Korea.
  14. Build a wall and let the people in the blue area feed themselves (as well as all of the illegal aliens they like to provide 'sanctuary' for), since they have such disdain for the rest of the nation.
  15. A reference to the Confederate Battle Flag?!?! That's raysis!
  16. Trump just said it best:
  17. I wouldn't want to get rid of McCoy; he's a nice focus for the defense to take their attention away from a developing Allen. However, if they offer a 3rd, I'd consider it. A 2nd, I'd probably do it. A 1st, and he's on Mr. Pegula's private plane after being abducted by team officials in his pijamas.
  18. There's a reason that hospitals have been so hostile to being forced to display their pricing structure.
  19. I wouldn't agree, at all, that it is an argument to abolish the Senate. They still serve a vital function - when they are functioning - to slow things down through rules such as the filibuster. They were always intended to cool the passions of the people as reflected by the House, regardless of whether they are directly elected or appointed by the state governments. That's why they have 6 year terms instead of 2 year terms, to help isolate them from immediate political backlash. This is why Senators like Murkowski can get away with ignoring the will of their voters 2 years into her term. The people are largely going to forget about this by the time she is up for re-election. Of course, she pissed off the Alaska state party apparatus (again), and now put her thumb in the eye of the national GOP apparatus, so she's either going to have to run as a Democrat, or find her own sources of funding (which is not the same thing as the voters not remembering.)
  20. Senators representing the interests of the state went away with direct elections. They now answer to the voters, not the state legislatures. The real shame is that they were supposed to be the more deliberative, slower body. Now the Senate is just grandstanding asshats more interested in making sound bites than policy.
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