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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Are you sure? They're pretty arrogant.
  2. Always found it interesting that certain elements of the health care industry want to keep their pricing structures a secret until after service has been rendered (and the patient is forced to pay.)
  3. I love the look on the big guy's face after he intercepted the punch.
  4. You'd think her Secret Service detail would be easier to track.
  5. The Democrats have already said that they're going to tie the House up in frivolous investigations of Trump if they take the House.
  6. He'll keep the order unsealing his divorce paperwork held up on appeal until after the election. Orders are typically stayed pending review.
  7. Indifferent.
  8. As I said, only terrorists eat chili without beans.
  9. What are you going to do about the terrorists who order chili without beans?
  10. Only terrorists eat chili without beans.
  11. I like how CNN knows Trump was thinking racist thoughts while the "token negro"/"White House slave" was talking.
  12. I would suggest they start with the Prinz Eugen, then work their way up to battleships.
  13. Are you promising free cocaine to go with our free hookers and free hotel rooms?
  14. Well, your comment about the balcony, much like the rest of your post, is pure nonsense.
  15. They're the series of states in flyover country where the coastal elites rest when flying over.
  16. "Relocatable" does not seem to scream "practical".
  17. Tupac is the man, not only does he still perform via hologram, he's got a twitter account! He truly was ahead of his time when he was murdered.
  18. Bernie gets around that, due to a change in the state Democrat party rules for Vermont. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rubycramer/dnc-rule-democrats-bernie-sanders
  19. Yeah, but then the left would cry about Trump putting medical care providers out of work.
  20. Politically motivated "complaints" about his statements to Congress? Not really.
  21. RCP, in terms of polls, is an aggregator; I don't think they conduct their own polling.
  22. With all of his football accolades, it's easy to forget how amazing Jim Brown is as a person. I loved his answer about the kneeling. Edit: Even at 82 years old, hunched over and needing a cane, I'd like to see how fast Mr. Brown would !@#$ up the first person stupid enough to call him a 'token negro' or 'white house slave'.
  23. Eh, I'd say Biden or Lieawatha. Booker is going to be exposed as a colossal dumbass during debates. Especially if anyone pushes him on his fake Spartacus nonsense. I'm hoping for Uncle Joe. The human gaffe machine vs. The cheeto-dust golem will be fantastic television.
  24. They did, but the girls did not know when or where he served them, what they had for lunch, or how they got home afterwards. The people who, the girls claimed, were in attendance at the unspecified place, date, and time could not corroborate their stories. Kavanaugh continues to be unfit for lunch serving duties.
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