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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I wonder who is going to be funding the appeal.
  2. Your link is neither working, nor as cool as Scalia smoking a pipe during his confirmation hearing.
  3. At least the Canuckian B word managed to slip in a plug for her book at the end.
  4. Well, Creepy Porn Lawyer just cost his client thousands of dollars in fees. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5002740-Clifford-v-Trump-Order-Granting-Anti-SLAPP-Motion.html Interesting analysis of a whole host of procedural issues, as well as why Ms. Clifford's suit fails on its face.
  5. Make sure you check out the latest and greatest offerings from Chrysler! The 2019 Jeep Cherokee Warren! Now featuring 4 wheels that are going nowhere.
  6. I cannot imagine the years of thought and research that went into the prediction that a city that largely exists below sea level could suffer a devastating flood if hit by a sufficiently powerful hurricane while a president holds office that hates black people.
  7. Ah, yes. We all forget that a consensus of scientists regarding an incredibly complex and dynamic set of variables that run in cycles that span centuries, if not millennia, is settled science. Not to mention that the only cure for such settled science is a massive redistribution of wealth and reorganization of the world economy to a socialist/communist ideal.
  8. Arguing with the interviewee is now a journalistic interview technique? No bias there.
  9. They're all about protecting certain quarterbacks. Allen, apparently, isn't one of them. The NFL is getting as bad as the NHL used to be; having two sets of rule books.
  10. A horrible childhood does not excuse being a gang-banger murderer.
  11. #IBelieveHer Oh wait, no I don't.
  12. The rubber ducky doesn't go THERE!
  13. That would be the ultimate trolling job for Trump to write her presidential campaign a check for $976.56...
  14. That reminds me, have you finished your trauma counseling after the one time you met Boyst for a 'stroke play' tournament?
  15. That's terrible. The people in Washington DC would have more voting power than the people in California! Completely unfair to California!
  16. She did not like being called out for showing bias. ?
  17. He is demanding that Kavanaugh step down until the FBI Police investigate.
  18. Mead enough.
  19. Well, before it could be released, the owner of said footage got really depressed. Suicidal even. They did not seek help, and shot themselves in the back of the head twice, and once through the heart, for good measure.
  20. Looked like a plastic straw throwing out high-velocity plastic straws to me. No wonder California banned them!
  21. What will our new Meadtitution have for a judicial branch, other than a Supreme Meadcourt?
  22. Racist. #PurpleRobotsMatter
  23. If they don't take the House, it doesn't matter - unless the GOP has some rebellious members.
  24. True, but I'd rather Congress (as a whole) continue its currently-sluggish path of getting some things done. The House (intentionally to #resist) isn't going to do schiff if the Democrats take the gavel.
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