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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yeah, that's what I figured. You cry about the example, and refuse to answer the question (which is why I used the Nazi reference, you dunce.) You're not interested in a discussion. You've thus far used false information in your argument, and have twice now railed against strawmen that no one said. The race card strawman was a nice touch. However, you're still at least 1/1024th smarter than Gator, so I'll give you that.
  2. Great, I need something in which to cook my chickens!
  3. It's discrimination based on ethnic origin. I'm at least 1/1024 German and celebrate my ethnic heritage by eating Nazi cake (well in this example, anyhow.) Does the Jewish bakery get to refuse service, unfairly discriminating against me? You're advocating that they cannot discriminate against me, and must use their artistic skills to bake me a cake. Would it make you feel better if I demanded a cake depicting the torture and murder of Jews during the Spanish Inquisition, as a celebration of Christianity? The term slavery is entirely appropriate. You want to force people to perform services without the option to refuse. That's involuntary servitude, also known as... slavery. No one said they did. You are the one who claimed that the Court said something that it did not.
  4. That's not quite what the court's decision said. https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=1795043925537702415&hl=en&as_sdt=6,33 Don't get your synopsis from CNN.
  5. Let's put this in another context: I walk into a Jewish bakery. I order a custom cake with a Nazi flag in the center, flanked by a portrait of Hitler on the left and an image of a mass grave at Dachau on the right. Maybe the words "Arbeit Macht Frei" in an arch across the top. Your argument is that the Jewish bakers must make my cake to order, without being allowed to refuse, because they're a "public institution"? After all, they can't discriminate against me because they're offended by my request, right? Oh by the way, privately owned businesses are not "public institutions". You're still advocating for slavery.
  6. Serving the public and serving the "entire public" are not the same thing. However, more to the misinformed point: The bakery owner told them explicitly that he would not bake them a custom cake that violated his religious beliefs, but that they were welcome to purchase any of the premade cakes in his store. They declined and filed complaints/suits. Businesses are not required to perform custom services they have a valid objection to, just because someone walked in the door. Legally speaking.
  7. Bakeries do not serve the "entire public". People who own private businesses are under no obligation to serve the "entire public", especially where such service becomes involuntary and against their beliefs. True, they cannot overtly discriminate, but there is no requirement that private businesses must cater to the whims of anyone who feels like walking in the door to demand service. To claim otherwise is advocating for slavery.
  8. Kind of amazing how the Democrats evolve their positions based on the latest polling numbers and focus group results.
  9. ...or that German Hillary's Canadian Girlfriend actually has the stones to pull such a PR stunt? The ***** guy wears fake eyebrows for God's sake.
  10. Really? I heard through a reliable confidential source that he may have possibly been involved in looking at a woman in a manner which made her uncomfortable 25 years ago at an unspecificed date, time, and location. Why do you support rapists?
  11. That was just so he could track gays in order to hunt them down and have the Supreme Court under Kavanaugh slaughter them - along with women - in FEMA camps set up in North Korea, right before Trump sends nuclear warheads (with illegal aliens from Mexico strapped to the nose, of course) at Pyongyang.
  12. I'm ok with dropping it after the midterm. No matter what his findings are, half the country is going to scream for his head for 'tainting' the election, were he to drop it as an October surprise.
  13. 1.) Hell yeah I would. 2.) This student is a dumbass if he was still hitting that when he "came forward". My guess is that she rejected his advances so he lied, or she dropped him after ***** him, so he turned her in out of spite.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pompeo-arrives-talks-turkey-khashoggi-085919842.html Seems legit. Sort of like a professional hit squad being tracked from the moment they landed in Turkey until the moment they lifted off.
  15. Since when has being alive been a requirement to vote Democrat?
  16. They're just trying to keep the black man down by taking ~33% of the righteous money he's owed.
  17. I don't know why, but this reminds me of: Beat the scrubs, just to get your ass KO'd by Tyson Trump. This DNA thing has backfired so gloriously that she lost her ***** mind.
  18. Some people just have no respect for the Navy...
  19. Uh, you do understand that Trump's main business (besides branding) was in real estate, right? Or are you just trying to be a disingenuous asshat like the rest of the dipschiff brigade around here?
  20. ***** it then, let's start the looting!
  21. Avenatti deleted his tweet. What a fricken goof. Looking at his twitter feed is hilarious. One guy's comment takes the cake: Peter Simple‏ @PeterSimple5
  22. What, do you want her to take a DNA test?
  23. There's no great mystery: He's in Buffalo to mentor Allen. Nothing more, nothing less.
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